View Full Version : Flies in the tank

04-29-03, 02:39 AM
Apparently there are flies in my tank and I think they come from the terrian itself. Does anyone know how I can get rid of them? I think it came with the plants when I bought them.

04-29-03, 07:26 AM
Do you have any other instects that you want to keep? If not black knight works wanders!

04-29-03, 07:31 AM
You can try venus fly traps. They will eat the flies, and also be a nice colourul plant in the tank. Thats what I have used in the past, o well only my 2 cents.

04-29-03, 01:57 PM
I have a epidemic of these little black flies, fast little buggers, in all my tanks... never really cared about them though... and surely dont know how to get rid of them :|

04-29-03, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by Xetox
Do you have any other instects that you want to keep? If not black knight works wanders!

I am not sure what black knight is, but I need to feed my gecko with insects, so i guess it won't work? or will it?