View Full Version : Pied balls

04-28-03, 07:51 PM
how much are 100% het for pied balls. and if i breed 100% het to 100% het. what are my chances of producing a pied ball?

04-28-03, 08:01 PM
Each hatchling will have a 50% chance of being pied...so, theoretically, you would get half the clutch being pieds...but, since it's a 50% chance for each hatchling, you could get all pieds or no pieds or something in between...but you'll be pretty much guaranteed to get a pied BP from that pairing eventually.

04-28-03, 08:59 PM
Nope. 100% het x 100% het is:

25% Pied
50% hets
25% normals.

Of course the hets and normals look the same, so the hets are considered 66% chance for being hets.

Now, that's the STATISTICAL odds. But Pieds are known to hatch heavy. Meaning you could get 3/4 eggs being Pied, or 4/7 or etc etc etc.

04-28-03, 09:02 PM
So how much do 100% hets cost??
and if you mated it with a normal would any hatch out looking like a pied?

dead bob
04-28-03, 10:11 PM
You can expect to pay anywhere from $3,500.00 US on up for them. You can check out Ralph Davis' (http://www.ralphdavisreptiles.com/collection/pythons/ball/piebald_ball_python.asp) site to get a good idea on pricing.

04-28-03, 10:33 PM
Aw crap, now aren't I an idiot? LoL
Sorry for the bad info, I need to review my punnett squares!

04-28-03, 11:13 PM
Nope. Normal x Het results in all normal-looking animals that have a 50% chance of being a true Het-Pied.

Corey Woods
04-29-03, 05:15 AM
I have 3 clutches of het pieds on the way and they should be priced in around $3500 US per pair.


04-29-03, 06:16 PM
are they 100%??? or 66%?

Corey Woods
04-30-03, 05:16 AM
I will be producing 100% het pieds (from my Pied male to Normal females)
