View Full Version : Best Begginer Snake

04-28-03, 01:09 PM
which do you feel is the best pet for a newbie to own? my vote goes out to ball pythons because they are small, easy to care for, relatively cheap, hardy, less flighty during handling then corns, absolutly beautiful, and a pet nobody could ever get boed with.

whats your opinion? vote

04-28-03, 01:13 PM
I voted corn snake cos they are easyer to feed :) .

04-28-03, 01:26 PM
I vote for one that's not on your list.....

Rosy Boa.

04-28-03, 01:31 PM
naw those are fo nobody cause they are lame. i selected these ones cause they kick total @$$ rosies are weak man. the burm is sorta there for no reason.

04-28-03, 01:34 PM
then dont vote i dont care

04-28-03, 01:40 PM
No need to be so rude, you made a thread and asked for opinions, learn to live in the real world.


naw those are fo nobody cause they are lame

You know BP5000, just cause you don't like them, doesn't make it wrong! I don't know how many threads I've had to pull off the forums because of your attitude. Grow up!


04-28-03, 01:40 PM
i just wanted to see what ya'll feel to be the best snake for newbies, i really didnt want to know about your philosophy on begginer snakes. sory to sound rude

04-28-03, 01:44 PM
yeah ig uess im just not a very nice guy. im not one to keep my mouth shut at all. im a pretty rude guy if ya get to know me but i make things fun. its just me.
sorry to sound like a ****

04-28-03, 01:47 PM
This is a thread just begging for trouble!!!

First off, I don't get why you see the last post as rude Vic. You stated your opinion, he stated his. No attacks were made and there is not any especially rude comments or words used. I just say this because if we are to complain about every little thing we see and don't like here, this forum will become a flamezone in no time. There is a necessity for some tolerance here.

As for ballpython5000's comments about rosy boas, it seems very useless to me to make such a poll and omit a species of snake that is commonly referred to as a "begginer snake". You may not personally like them but if you are to do a poll on other people's opinion on the matter, you should include all species whether you like them or not. To refer to them as "weak" and "lame" will only upset those who love and own the species and alientate you to them.

Just my 2 cents,

04-28-03, 01:48 PM
now that that is over lets move on and back to the topic

04-28-03, 01:52 PM
yeah i gotta admit people here are quick to freak out over the smallest bit of anything they dispise and then the mods are even quicker to close or block a thread for seemingly no apparent reason.

04-28-03, 01:56 PM
Firestarter, that's the first time someone has called me that.

Hot, sizzling, fiery and exciting are the usual caracteristics or compliments I get!!! I have to add a new one to the list! lol!


P.S. I don't keep any rosy boas and know little about them, I'm just pointing out how someone would respond to those statements. I know if someone would call a species that I kept lame or weak, I would get upset!!!

04-28-03, 02:34 PM
King Snake isnt an option : (
so i voted for cornsanke!

04-28-03, 06:26 PM
BP5000.... you are perfect example of why our hobby has such a bad name, you have snakes for cool factor, to show off for you friends. If you had taken any of the advice that has been given to you on this and some of the other forums then you would not have even needed to start this poll because you would already know the answers. You should really follow the lead of some of the other great teens out there like (but not limited too) Boaguy13 and RachelS. If there more like them and less like you this hobby would have a wonderful reputation!

Now for your list of "beginner snakes":

Corn Snake: Ok

Ball Python: With a lot of research and only if captive bred and already started on frozen thawed.

Milk Snake: Ok

Garter Snake: No due to difficulty in feeding and can prone to parasites due to the type of prey items typically offered to a garter.

BCI/BCC: BCI and BCC are not the same. There are big differences between the two. A BCI as far as temperment and hardiness would qualify it as a starter, but the size rules it out in my opinion. The BCC is much less forgiving than the BCI when it comes to husbandry errors and a beginner keeper is bound to make a lot of errors during the learning process. The also get too large to be a beginner snake.

Burmese Python: Come on! They get way too big too even begin to consider them as a starter.

04-28-03, 06:35 PM
I agree with Stormy, I only see 2 as snakes I would recommend to a beginner, the corn and the milk. I have a feeling that the burm was added just to get something started, however, much as I want to respond to that, I won't

Tim and Julie B
04-28-03, 06:48 PM
I voted Corn but I would also say King!

Monetary value does not define a snake as cool or not cool. That is what I love about reptile people is some of us like colubrids some like pythons some are into frogs etc. It's all good! I still get as much of a kick out of finding a garter snake as I do looking at an albino retic.

04-28-03, 09:44 PM
I agree with BurmBaroness, those are the only two I would consider to be good first snakes out of the ones listed. I however believe that Rosy Boas, some Sand boas, children's pythons, and spotted pythons are awesome choices as well. In fact, I am one to reccomend rosies over any species. Just curious... why do you consider these little guys to be "lame"? What's your experience with this species???

04-28-03, 10:36 PM
im gunna hafta say corn, they dont really have a really hard requirements list, stay small, and dont go on feeding striks like BPs do.

BP5000, ur just like my friend Tyler, he doesnt feed frozen because he thinks it shows that the snakes a "wuss". I dont understand why ppl would rather have the snake be "macho" rather than have its life saved (if the food item attax).

And hey! Rosies are awesome!:D

04-29-03, 03:47 AM
BP5000.... you are perfect example of why our hobby has such a bad name, you have snakes for cool factor, to show off for you friends. If you had taken any of the advice that has been given to you on this and some of the other forums then you would not have even needed to start this poll because you would already know the answers. You should really follow the lead of some of the other great teens out there like (but not limited too) Boaguy13 and RachelS. If there more like them and less like you this hobby would have a wonderful reputation!
i keep snakes because they fascinate me and they always have you idiot. i dont need you comparing me to that ****** who purchase snakes just to be cool and show off. and i dont think thats why i have done it considering only 5 of my friends have ever seen my snakes. so you keep shut. ur bein pretty stupid saying that considering none of it is true. if i had gotten them just to be cool and i didnt care about them why would i be here? why would i spend countless hours in chat talkin bout them?
haha, guys i was just kiddin bout rosies. they are small and cute lil buggers. i just forgot to add them to my list. im gonna try to go back and fix it up. im a bit saddened to see that you all dont agree that balls are perfect. ok the rosies will be added.
i also gotta sorta apologize on my being kinda rude yesterday, i was pretty grumpy. i didnt sleep all week and that particular night i went to sleep at 3:20 and woke up at 5:30. oh well sorry guys i wont explode like that anymore. lol

04-29-03, 07:13 AM
BP5000, watch your language in a public forum, i edited out your obsenities, this is your warning.

04-29-03, 09:21 AM
Woah now, cant we all just get along? lol. That is no way to talk to stormy. Hes just pointing things out. And yes, rosies rule.

04-29-03, 09:59 AM
ROFL........Stormy is a "he"............haha. Anyway, lots of good snakes got left out, bull snakes, rat snakes, and my favorite colubrid, gopher snakes. I just hope someone who does'nt know any better sees the burm on the list and takes it at face value. Not very responsible to even include it, even as a joke. :confused:

Tim and Julie B
04-29-03, 10:41 AM
Ballpython 5000 has apoligized so lets keep this friendly. But ball you call someone stupid and tell them to shut up and apoligize all in the same post. I just wanted to point that out because you have a mixed message there. I am glad you changed your mind about the rosies or at least let everyone know that you were joking. I don't think anyone can say you are a bad keeper just by what is in your posts with out meeting you. But in the same asspect all they have to go on is what you post. If you don't fuel the fire it will burn out. Do you have trouble sleeping too or is it just partying? I go through about two week stretches every couple of months were I get minimal sleep. These is going to sound funny but when you can't sleep get out of bed and do push ups. In a half hour if you still can't sleep get up and do them again. Even if this technique doesn't work for you at least your working out.:D Tim.

04-29-03, 12:24 PM
I prefer my ball python over my corn and i think that they are really nice but not so good for beginers cos i know how stressed i got the first time my corn refused a meal just once but if she was refusing to eat for months i would be a lot more scared than if i had more experience with looking after snakes.

04-29-03, 01:01 PM
Well thats kinda hard to say. i think corns are pretty easy. but ball pythons work out great too. it realy depends of your level of comitmet to reptiles and your current knolage

04-29-03, 01:05 PM
i was pissed cause he tried to tell me something im not when he doesn't know a thing about me. it would be so diffrent if he knew me but he doesnt.
ask anyone who knows anything about me thats not why i keep my awsome ball pythons. he hit a hot spot and it pissed me off so much. if he called my dumb, stupid, and any other name i wouldnt take it as badly. but he doesn't know anything about me and he tried to say crap like that. arrgggg you have no idea how much that makes me wanna tacle him. but im through with rambling.

sorry bout the list everyone, i know i forgot so darn many things but if i could fix it i would. its says only mods can. so i guess i cant fix it. i cant belive i forgot hognoses!

04-29-03, 02:34 PM
since you keep bringing up the fact that you forgot rosy boas, i added them to the list for you.

on a side note, i think there are much better choices for a first snake than hognoses,
i would argue that there are much better choices to start with than <i>Heterodon</i>

04-30-03, 06:28 AM
I totally agree.

04-30-03, 07:20 AM
I think garters are a good choice for a beginner snake because they will accept such a wide variety of food choices. Wild-caughts can be tough but captive breds are often very well-started on a wide menu plan, including mice.

05-01-03, 09:25 AM
I say Rosy Boa because they are easy to feed, slow moving so they are much easier to handle than a corn snake and don't *typically* have feedign problems like Ball Pythons.

05-02-03, 03:27 AM
I just can't belive that 2 ppl said that a burm was a good snake to start with I guess they just want attention. But that is not the kind of attention I wish on any one if they are brave enugh I would encourage them to voice there oppinion and see why a burm is a good starter snake.

05-02-03, 12:58 PM
I think all you guys are thinking foolishly the best snake for beginers is a CB ball python . they eat always and they never bite

05-02-03, 01:43 PM
I would say there is no right choice. It is all in your likeing. I mean of couse not a large boid. But corns can just as easily go off feed liike ball pythons. Same with kings. Just because a snake has a reputation doesnt mean you should go by it. I read somewhere about a kid owning a burmese that would only eat live fuzzies. Same as my friends burm(hes an adult). It only eats live. A big factor is your husbandry also. I believe that if you provide a ball python with adequate heating and humidity, it will eat fine. I have only had one problem feeding my ball, when I got him but I purchased him as a WC specimen. Ever since he took his first mouse, he has eaten fine. But if I have to choose one, I would go with a ball python. They are calm, small, and lazy. As with corns and colubrids they are always trying to crawl away from you as babies.

05-02-03, 02:36 PM
This has been my experience from the snakes we own...

I think if it weren't for the size issue burmese pythons would make great starter snakes. They have a reputation for being mellow and good feeders. However they are giants and therefore don't make a great starter snake for some one who is unsure about snake keeping in general.

For ease of care the corn or king wins hands down, you can make mistakes on the husbandry and they are pretty forgiving. Also they're going to be fairly cheap to feed their entire life.

Ball pythons are a nice starter, except for the issues with them not eating. It can be really stressful when they go off food for 3 weeks when you're just starting out.

Boas (bcc or bci) are also nice, though they get a bit larger then ball pythons, they don't have the feeding reputation that ball pythons have.

Never having kept rosy's I can't say much about them, same with garters.

05-02-03, 02:58 PM
I agree except with the Boas. As someone(not sure) mentioned earlier. The BCI and BCC are two very different boa species. The BCI is a moderate size 6-8ft, and easily cared for and except some mistakes. But BCC's have a potential to get bigger than 8ft(a better chance) sometimes 10ft. Also they arent so forgiving, and their husbandry can be more difficult than the BCI.

05-02-03, 07:17 PM
Initially think of going with the bp folks, I voted corn instead - mainly because mine has eaten while in shed, and I've yet to hear of a bp doing that (might have happened though, somewhere). Even a properly maintained ball can decide not to eat, after all

05-02-03, 10:01 PM
so who really thinks burmese pythons are a great first snake???????????
cheers paul

05-03-03, 12:17 AM
My first snake was a corn but i hated it. It always got out and in the winter it bit me every day {i think it was my fault thow]. But my second was a ball it took me 18 hours to eat and from there it never bit anyone exept my dad.

05-28-03, 03:24 AM
Peace out man, Corns are the best for three reasons
#1. They are easy to feed thawed mice
#2. They don't grow too large (4-6ft)
#3. They're relatively cheap and are usually tame 'pet

In case you were wondering, I didn't just read that out of a book!

05-28-03, 04:13 AM
yeah corns are the best beginner snake......i think the two main reasons are because
*they are EASY as pie to tame ( and if u get bitten it doesnt hurt )
*the cheapest is about £40 for the snake and everything for it!!

Plus if they crap on you it doesnt wrestle you to the floor!!! lol

05-28-03, 04:34 AM
They get wet!

05-28-03, 06:34 AM
'they get wet' ???

ohh are you looking at my signature??