View Full Version : Big Burm Pics
04-28-03, 10:40 AM
Hi this is snake lady(chondro gf)!
I didnt feel like signing out so im under chondro's name. Anyways thats not the point. hehe As you all know chondro convinced me to get a pair of Reticulated pythons and thats ok with me but i prefer the burm over the retics since i dont have a lot of experience with fact i never even handled one. Well i would just like to ask you people to post your best burm pics and hopefully i could convince chondro into getting a burm also, so we can get our large constrictor collection going! hehehe
Thank you! :)Snake LaDY:)
04-29-03, 01:31 AM
Well snake lady if you go in my photo gallery i have some nice pic's of my Burm's :)
04-29-03, 02:49 PM
How could he resist this face?
04-29-03, 04:45 PM
Thanx ppl is there any more out there my bf is not strong on albino burms he would rather a regular B4 any thing eles
04-29-03, 09:30 PM
realy, personaly i love the albinos. out of any other albino snake. i would have to say the burm is the best looking. and in strong second the retic. but thats just my personal prefrance. i was going to get a normal but at the last moment i desited to drop the extra cash and go with the albino.
04-29-03, 10:04 PM
I two love the Albino's i have a male Albino but also a Female pattern and a Green it would be a hard pick between the Green and Albino
McCarthy Boas
04-29-03, 11:06 PM
Hi SnakeLady do you think he would like this Burm?
It is Bob Clarks "Blonde Burmese" I like this one more than the Albino's
<img src="">
<img src="">
Now if you just want a "BIG BURM" how do you like Louis Daddano's Baby?
<img src="">
<img src="">
These pictures belong to Bob / Steve & Louis.
Take care,
05-02-03, 02:53 AM
well that is what I am talking about I cant get over the shear size of thows gems I love the blond burm and i will have one some day just not right now I need the $$$ I dont like albinos that is all i worked with and they lost there touch with me I can still apeciat them but I prefer owning a regular or laberinth well I would like to see some adult laberinth burms if any one can dig some up that would be appreciated.
just cause Snake lady took the time to do some reserch on these aninmals she will get her burm in 4-6 monts from now she stil has a lot to learn but she just eats my reptile books for breakfest and reserches enclosure info four lunch.
So she should be ready in a few monts.
wow nice pics everyone that blond burmies is so so nice would love to have it here.i would go with a albino burmies if it was my first they are much better to look at because they are albino and they don't cost much they make a great snake.
05-02-03, 09:36 AM
wow that one normal is HUGE.
05-02-03, 06:34 PM
how about my burm??
Good lord I have never seen any that big!
05-02-03, 08:29 PM
these are kinda old. i have some new feeding pics but they are too big to put in the gallery and i have no way to resize them on my laptop. but this is sophia shes 1yr.s old and close to 6ft
05-03-03, 01:04 AM
there we go I love regulare burms but I look at the snake and wonder dose it even fit in the hid you have there when my burm was that big I took away her hid and just made a big pile of news paper in one side she would go under that to hide and had the whole cage to roam around very nice burm I love it.
05-03-03, 01:16 AM
I know Chondro python that you have aready seen my babies but look again hehe
05-03-03, 01:40 AM
i never get enugh of larg snakes that pic couldbe posted dozen of times and I would still post a compliment verry nice set of burms you have there.
05-03-03, 02:14 AM
Thanks i want to get a retic next but dont know a hole lot about them do you have any info you want to share as i know you work with them and do you have any close up pic's of any? :)
you can pm me with the info if you wish
05-03-03, 02:51 PM
Oh no. that hide was in there strictly for her to use for her shed. Theres nothing she can really rub up against in there unless shes shedding. yea that hide is waaaaaay too small for her lol. shes almost 6ft. a hide that big wasn't even large enough for my ball when he was 3.5ft.
05-03-03, 04:23 PM
here is one pic of a moderat size retic.
05-03-03, 04:28 PM
And here is a baby man I love these babys
05-03-03, 05:24 PM
very nice picts !!! I just LOve burms ;)
05-03-03, 06:33 PM
well it was a figure of speach they are all babys to me.
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