View Full Version : Griffin

04-28-03, 09:10 AM
here's a pic of my Ig - Griffin
he was a 'rescue' and my estimate on his age is about 3 yrs


(I see now how badly i need to clean my balcony doors)

Tim and Julie B
04-28-03, 09:33 AM
Very nice pic! Love the Cactus too! Griffin is a cool name!

04-28-03, 03:09 PM
Thanks :)
the cactus started as a 3 inch shoot i 'stole' from Mom and now it's about 6 ft tall
Griffin loves to sleep in the corner between the wall and franklin's encl
then he sits on the end and basks in the sunrise
i love iguanas...they are so cool
(easy to say since Grif is not in breeding mode anymore)

04-28-03, 04:16 PM
Man, i love that Ig!! So friendly!!! I edited your post Silke and put the pic in your post rather then clicking on a link :) hope you dont mind!! :D

04-28-03, 07:03 PM
no...that's cool thanks :)
you shoulda seen him 2 months ago...he tried to eat the nose off of my face
i read somewhere that the testes of human males makes up .025% of their body weight and in male iguanas it's 1%
that is a LOT of testosterone
as long as youknow they wig out for a few months a year and you're ready for it....it's ok
and DEFINITELY worth it

04-28-03, 07:10 PM
Very ncie Igy! i woudl lvoe to have an iguana, but it is impractical for, i wouldnt be able to give it all the attention its needs and i would be heading off to university in 4 years, Guess ill jsut have to wait untill after university to own an iguana, ahhhh i cant wait!

04-28-03, 07:17 PM
Great looking ig you've got there :) Love the name too! He looks like a very spoiled boy....

04-28-03, 09:16 PM
yeah he is spoiled...but he makes it tough sometimes since he changes his mind about what food he enjoys
but he does love waking up to bask in the sunrise
he loves for me to hold the collard leaves so he can tear pieces off
he loves zoomed juvi ig pellets (they are tiny pellets that i sprinkle on the greens he doesn't like so much)