View Full Version : Bonzai!

04-26-03, 01:57 PM
What happens when you cross rice krispies with a Kangaroo?
Snap! Crackle! Hop!


What do baby apes sleep in?


Did you hear about the dog who ate all the Christmas decorations?
He came down with tinsellitis!

04-26-03, 02:28 PM
corn city!!!!!!!!!!

04-26-03, 04:44 PM
Those are so lame I forgot to laugh ;)

04-26-03, 05:07 PM
Hah! I mean...hah? They remind me of my dad. Even though it may seem impossible, his are worse than those! Hehe...did you make em up?

Tim and Julie B
04-26-03, 07:01 PM
You've got a lot of time on yours hands(like a watch!)

04-26-03, 07:10 PM
yeah those are like my grandpas jokes, except all of his are about ukrainians, i would share some of them but i dont think to many people would understand them lol