View Full Version : venomous snake species caresheets?
04-25-03, 11:09 PM
Well I am helping Zoe out with her caresheet website and we were wondering if we should include venomous snake species caresheets. Of course there will be warnings on the site saying "knowing this caresheet doesn't give you the ability to own a venomous snake". It will be along those lines. Tell us what you think
Tim and Julie B
04-25-03, 11:13 PM
I definately voted yes! As much info as you can find about as many herps as you can think of! It's better to keep herpers informed than to exclude valuble info. Good luck with the site Zoe!:D
As of yet Aaron has done just as much work as I, so wish us both luck ;)
Thanks... I'd love to actually go through with this, the world NEED a site with just caresheets. I remeber used to exist. wonder what happened to it.
Of course there should be care sheets. Why would you wish mistreatment of an animal just because you disaprove some one from having it even though it may be legal where they happen to be. (It's legal in various parts of Canada and the USA, never mind various parts of the world).
we don't wish the mistreatment of any animals, we'd have to be pretty bloody stupid to do all this work if we wanted them to be hurt, but I suppose the (flawed) logic behind this question would be that most people getting into hots know what they are doing, and those who don't are probably too stupid or ignorant to look up a caresheet.
we were just wondering what people thought about it, we by no means WISH the mistreatment of any animal, i hope that would be obvious to all by now.
I think Lisa meant "you" as the general public, Zoe :)
Anyhow...I voted "yes".
Of course Yes! Caresheets are good source of info and education...on the other hand, enough warning and responsibility info is a must to let the reader know owning venomous is certainly not like owning other herps.
But I think many people always feel venomous caresheet will promote others to keep hots. IMO caresheet just give the general public more info like a book (e.g a book called venomous snakes of the world which outlines care, caging, feeding, breeding..etc); for those inexperienced ones who want hots desperately, caresheet or not don't make a difference to them. So Aaron go ahead and look forward for your caresheet website.
04-26-03, 02:56 AM
for sure i think there sould be caresheets
04-26-03, 05:24 AM
I agree with Tim ans Julie B :)
Jeff Hathaway
04-26-03, 06:44 AM
I vote no. To me, caresheets are things written about keeping pets, and I disagree with the keeping of venomous snakes as pets. Those facilities and individuals with the justification to keep venomous snakes, and the experience to do so in an appropriate manner, will not need caresheets.
My opinion aside, however, the main reason you don't see many venomous species caresheets is the legitimate concern about liability. If you write something, or publish something, that says 'this is how you keep a cobra', then you are painting a big legal bullseye on yourself in the event that someone reads your info and then gets envenomated. I'm not saying that it can't be done in a manner that would minimize your liability exposure, but it is potentially a servious problem. If you proceed, I suggest you do so very carefully.
Jeff Hathaway
Sciensational Sssnakes!!
04-26-03, 07:59 AM
I voted "Yes"... I agree with ETET :)
04-26-03, 08:43 AM
I am just curious why the posting of doubles exists....
There is another thread going in the vens forum, any way to have these two merged?
04-26-03, 01:52 PM
my vote yes is based on the seeming abundance of venomous caresheets that give inaccurate information of are so simple as to be nearly useless. mostly what I see missing on the decent ones is venom info, humidity, photoperiods, natural breeding season, life expectancy, clutch sizes, known color varieties, even special viruses ect known to be common in a species. the internet gave any person over 18 easy access to purchasing hots, a good caresheet won't make any difference to that.
04-26-03, 07:09 PM
ok thank you all for your posts.Omen I believe I deleted that other post.
04-26-03, 07:29 PM
still there.
Tim and Julie B
04-26-03, 07:40 PM
Not to stir the pot, but just because someone does not believe in keeping venomous species does not mean that info should not be provided. I myself don't agree that venomous animals are meant for pets, that's why they are venomous-they want to be left alone-but many people keep them and I'm sure that they would like as much feedback as possible. That (proper husbandry tips) is what will keep this industry alive. Please everyone, this is meant with no disrespect towards those who think venomous species should not be kept-remember, I agree. And for those who keep venomous species-I in no way mean that people should not have them. Hopefully everyone can see how well I'm covering my as* here and not take offense!:D
Reguardless whether the general population of snake owners like it or not, people own venomous just seems logical that caresheets should be offered. With knowlegable husbandry comes respect for the species in question (venomous or not) If someone has been around herping for any period of time at all, they will meet many people who own snakes and have really no clue at all about the species care or responcibility that comes with it....
04-26-03, 09:27 PM
Not to stir the pot, but just because someone does not believe in keeping venomous species does not mean that info should not be provided.
I DO believe in keeping hots (and do). And I do not think that they should be "readily available".
Also, the differnce in the poll results from this thread and the one in the venomous Forum are astounding. Just goes to to show you what Venomous keepers think about it and those that don't keep venomous.
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