View Full Version : Species List

04-25-03, 10:47 PM
Spider Gecko
Banded Gecko
Leopard Gecko
Tokay Gecko
Fat-tailed Gecko
Velvety Gecko
Knob-tailed Gecko
web-footed Gecko
Pictus Gecko
Gold Dust Day Gecko
Peacock Day Gecko
Standings Day Gecko
Madagascar Day Gecko
Giant Day Gecko
Leaf-tailed Gecko
Flying Gecko
Wonder Gecko
Malaysian Cat Gecko
Crested Gecko
Gargoyle Gecko
Crocodile Gecko
Bent Toed Gecko
Golden Gecko
White Line Gecko
Viper Gecko
Micro Gecko
Chinese Gave Gecko
Helmeted Gecko
Banana Gecko
African Clawed Gecko
Israli Dune Geckos
Bibrons Gecko
Marble Gecko

Anything relatively commonly kept in captivity missing?


04-26-03, 06:44 PM
House Gecko? lol, just a thought. Nice list Zoe, you think of it all urself and typin and all? Nice work.

Tim and Julie B
04-27-03, 02:21 AM
I think you may find this usefull.http://dmoz.org/Recreation/Pets/Reptiles_and_Amphibians/Lizards/Geckos/:D

Also some cyrtodactylus species too. Peguensis, pulchellus and intermedius. Although not commonly kept they are sometimes available.