View Full Version : Damon Salceies

04-25-03, 07:54 AM
I was able to speak with Damon, all the chondro and Greybanded Kingsnake folks should know the name and for those that don't he's the man that produced the first albino GTP from a pair he got from Dave and Tracy Barker at VPI. A friend and I will be in his area and have arranged to have a few beers with him. I will probably be aquiring an adult pair of New Mexico milksnakes from him, and most unfortunately (due to insurance restrictions) will not be able to visit his facilities for a photo session of the famous animals http://www.**************/salceies/albino.htm (will try to get him to at least visit this site). I am excited to meet a man that has accomplished so much with locale specific greybands an other animals.

04-25-03, 07:56 AM
oops er fill in that other sites name to complete the link lol

04-25-03, 08:24 AM
Congrats, that's awesome!! :) I'd love to meet him... and most especially love to be able to see that albino in person!!!!

04-25-03, 09:23 AM
Damon is a ROCK STAR!!! I got a pair of Cayos Cochinos boas from him last year & he is hands-down one of the nicest people I've ever met in the reptile industry.

Post pictures of your celaenops when you get them - I don't think I've ever seen an "average" animal produced by Damon, so yours are sure to be NICE!


04-26-03, 02:32 PM
actually these are going to be a pair of his breeders out of brumation just over a month. I am major psyched for this purchase, thanks for the support, hopefully I'll get a pic with him and pics of the new ones to go with it.