View Full Version : info in pieds

04-24-03, 07:10 PM
I’m interested in breeding Pieds and I need some basic info, like: were to buy?, when to breed?, and is it better to get Pieds or het for Pieds?

04-24-03, 07:20 PM
well you can get them from pete kahl, ralph davis , possibly corey woods there are more but just cant think of them
as to go with pieds or hets how much money do you have that will decide that lol
and sorry cant answer the breeding question

04-24-03, 07:37 PM
Mna, you must have won the lottery or sumthin, lol. Sorry, but no matter how cool it looks, I'd NEVER pay 15,000 bucks for a snake.

04-24-03, 07:43 PM
That's what hets are for DavidBeard!:) A little cheaper but not a whole lot, and you have to order from a reliable breeder so you don't get ripped.

04-24-03, 07:53 PM
thanks for the info and as for that lottery as a matter a fact my uncle won the lottrey ( 4 out of 6) so he got $45,000 bucks and gave me $5,000 because I chose the 4 numbers, I wonder how you guessd that?

04-24-03, 09:16 PM
I don''t give a crap if a snake is het-for-big titties, I'd still never pay a grand for a snake.

04-24-03, 09:24 PM
well with $5000 you oughta be able to get a pair of hets

04-24-03, 11:37 PM
Why don't you buy something productive with your money.....like a life. Anyone who would spend that much $ on a freakin snake is just plain stupid. I love my snakes, but none of them cost more than a damn car.

04-24-03, 11:44 PM
Buying expensive snakes to breed equals lots of $$$$ Good Luck

04-24-03, 11:47 PM
I don''t give a crap if a snake is het-for-big titties, I'd still never pay a grand for a snake.
hahaha oh lord too funny!

04-25-03, 12:08 AM
My the opinions are high and mighty tonight.

Why don't you buy something productive with your money.....like a life. Anyone who would spend that much $ on a freakin snake is just plain stupid. I love my snakes, but none of them cost more than a damn car.

That's why we live in the free world so that we can buy whatever we choose. Some people drive $90,000 cars that don't go as fast as mine does and mine only cost me $4,000. I think they are crazy for spending that much. But no one cares about my opinion and its not going to stop people from spending a hundred grand on an auto. Point is, why the hell would you come on a snake forum and chastize someone for being so pumped about snakes that they'd spend a few bucks to get something cool? That's just weird. And to take the time to comment on it warrants more need for a life than someone who's actually buying the snakes in question.

And snakes are pretty close to the best investment in the world. I'm not sure how old you are and how much you understand about economics, but to get 1000-3000% returns on an investment is unheard of in anything but drugs. So if you're happy with your 5% Canada Savings Bonds or 4% GIC's, then more power to you. Other people are making real money.

04-25-03, 12:15 AM
i totally agree with you Jeff.
and i think this guy needs to lay off the crap comments hes been pulling and get himself a life.

Corey Woods
04-25-03, 05:24 AM

What don't you keep your stupid comments to yourself!


04-25-03, 07:16 AM
wether be pied or not.. it still boils down to a ball python...

breeding is the excact same way .. corey woods on top of me is one of those few breeders who breeds douzens of bp's and gets hundreds of neonates each year..

Look up many caresheets for your basic husbundry and then ask specific questions...

04-25-03, 07:21 AM
It would be a great investment!!!!! And its best to get into it now while the money is still big, once everyone and there brother are breeding them they wont be worth as much.

I wish I could afford a breeding pair of pieds right now!

04-25-03, 07:32 AM
Buying expensive snakes to breed equals lots of $$$$ Good Luck

Oh yeah, don't get $ the old fashioned way (WORKING), just breed snakes. Thats a real cop out lazy attitude if you ask me. I don't care what any of you say, if you pay a grand or more for a snake you are a sucker. Someone could put white out on a turd and call it a pie-bald Rectal Python and some idiot would pay $20,000 for it.

04-25-03, 07:44 AM
Oh yeah, don't get $ the old fashioned way (WORKING), just breed snakes. Thats a real cop out lazy attitude if you ask me

But that's the problem. No one was asking you.

So the only way to make money in David Beard's world is to dig ditches or pave roads. Ha ha. Do you live in a world full of monkeys and worker bees?

Thank god I don't live in that world. Capitalism.

04-25-03, 07:52 AM
OMG! I can't believe the stuff that is coming out of this guy David! Someone has some issues it seems, lol!

That last comment was cute too:

Oh yeah, don't get $ the old fashioned way (WORKING), just breed snakes. Thats a real cop out lazy attitude if you ask me.

Like breeding snakes was a Mickey Mouse operation! If you had any clue how much time, effort and funds go into it, you wouldn't answer with such stupid comments. To say that it isn't real work is a joke and so are YOU.

Get a life yourself David.

04-25-03, 08:03 AM
Hey raptorix,

You can get a pair of het for Piebald BP's for $4000 US. I would suggest getting the Snake Keepers Ball python breeding video aswell. It is a great resource for info on breeding. Also buy the hets from a reputable breeder, they might be a little more expensive but they earn it in service. Ask them questions regarding breeding and most will be more than happy to help. Also forums such as this are great places to ask questions. They may not post very often but there are a lot of experienced BP breeders who read through these forums. Good Luck!

Hey David Beard,

Get a life! Criticizing others decisions because you don't have the same options, pretty weak. I guess those breeders pulling in a couple 100K a year aren't earning it. Alot of breeders also have other sources of income, the snakes just pull in an extra ~$20,000 - $400,000.....not a bad bonus. Let me ask you a few questions, what is your "real" job? Also could you please enlighten us with what we should do with $5000?


04-25-03, 08:40 AM
Hey man if you are stupid enough to work your butt off to get paid have fun. That's your choice not everyone elses.

"Oh yeah, don't get $ the old fashioned way (WORKING), just breed snakes"

Um yeah o.k. I will give up all my snakes and my NON-Labor job so I can come pick up pop cans like you. Because I want to make my money the old fashion way.

I am sorry you think putting out money is stupid but NEWSFLASH it not only takes time but money to be successful. It doesn't matter if we are talking about snakes. You understand a big 0 about investment. Good luck with the aluminimum.


04-25-03, 08:52 AM
.....looks like we have someone on the forums that likes to start s***.

Hey why don't you go join a forum that fits you, like say www.teenforums.com. (never been to the forum was just using it as a example ;) )

04-25-03, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by DavidBeard
Buying expensive snakes to breed equals lots of $$$$ Good Luck

Oh yeah, don't get $ the old fashioned way (WORKING), just breed snakes. Thats a real cop out lazy attitude if you ask me. I don't care what any of you say, if you pay a grand or more for a snake you are a sucker. Someone could put white out on a turd and call it a pie-bald Rectal Python and some idiot would pay $20,000 for it.

AS USUAL, David, your lack of knowledge regarding the subject of which you are speaking precedes you. Did you ever stop to consider that maybe some of us work our butts off to make money by (GASP!!!) breeding snakes? Come and do my job for a week and tell me if you think all that snake breeding takes is a cop out, lazy attitude. News flash for you David Beard: to successfully breed snakes consistently, it takes a LOT of experience, knowledge, patience, hard work & resources, and perhaps the paucity of your own is what spurs you to continuously make your exceedingly asinine statements all over the internet.

Generally I'm a pretty easygoing person, but I've read enough of your inane, egomaniacal rantings on several reptile websites to become a bit tired of the broken-record replay of your delusions of mediocrity. You feign disdain towards snake morphs when in reality it is a very thin veil intended to cover your extreme jealousy & "sour grapes" attitude, and it's getting old.

If you have genuinely good, valid advice on herpetoculture to add to this discussion, great! Do so in a pleasant manner and you may be surprised at how it is received. If you are incapable of doing so, please do not fool yourself into believing that your belligerent, "devil-may-care" attitude grants you immunity from other people's dislike towards you after you've made every effort to blatantly piss them off.

In a nutshell, if you don't have something at least civil and decent to say, CUT THE CRAP. And I'm sure I echo the sentiments of many when I say that.

Just my $.02


04-25-03, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by KLG
AS USUAL, David, your lack of knowledge regarding the subject of which you are speaking precedes you. Did you ever stop to consider that maybe some of us work our butts off to make money by (GASP!!!) breeding snakes? Come and do my job for a week and tell me if you think all that snake breeding takes is a cop out, lazy attitude. News flash for you David Beard: to successfully breed snakes consistently, it takes a LOT of experience, knowledge, patience, hard work & resources, and perhaps the paucity of your own is what spurs you to continuously make your exceedingly asinine statements all over the internet.

Generally I'm a pretty easygoing person, but I've read enough of your inane, egomaniacal rantings on several reptile websites to become a bit tired of the broken-record replay of your delusions of mediocrity. You feign disdain towards snake morphs when in reality it is a very thin veil intended to cover your extreme jealousy & "sour grapes" attitude, and it's getting old.

If you have genuinely good, valid advice on herpetoculture to add to this discussion, great! Do so in a pleasant manner and you may be surprised at how it is received. If you are incapable of doing so, please do not fool yourself into believing that your belligerent, "devil-may-care" attitude grants you immunity from other people's dislike towards you after you've made every effort to blatantly piss them off.

In a nutshell, if you don't have something at least civil and decent to say, CUT THE CRAP. And I'm sure I echo the sentiments of many when I say that.

Just my $.02


That about said it all!!

04-25-03, 09:50 AM
Good post KLG, he definitely sounds like the "I can't afford it so it must suck" jealous type.


04-25-03, 10:35 AM
raptorix there is nothing wrong with wanting a pied and I wish you Great luck you have the money 2 buy some go for it and enjoy :) :) and David as for your coments and utter roodnes it is not welcome here and there is no need for it.I have spent alot also and have WORKED my *** off for it and if somebody wishes 2 spend $50,000 on a snake then it is that persons decission not your,s.
just my 2 cent,s

04-25-03, 02:19 PM
Hey, totally agree with you all about this nutcase. However, Xetox, what I do not appreciate is your generalization of teenagers. We are not all incompetent, immature and disrespectful like this character in question, and I understand that you may have not meant to do this but it just really annoys me. I hate generalizations...

04-25-03, 02:37 PM
I think he put up the forum link because this person IS why the genralizations were started in the first place. His behaviour belongs on a forum like that, and he clearly didn't suggest yours does.


04-25-03, 02:44 PM
Yea I understand that part, I guess I know what your saying. But I too often hear people referring to teens as a whole as irresponsible etc etc, and as unfortunate as it is that the majority is, doesn't give anyone a right to say all teens are like that, you know what I mean? Oh and David, your a disgrace to the name man...

04-25-03, 02:54 PM
No but if you simply switch the word "all" with "most" you will have a true statement, instead of a generalization.

But then you have the small group who are considerate, and well worded like yourself. But I mean as soon as you like turn 20, you automatically see what everyone is talking about when it comes to teens, you know what I mean?

Just down the street we have a High School. Most of the kids must walk down our street to get home (the ones without cars) and some, like you I would bet, and nice, they walk hoem without incident and they are poliet to people. But 70% are not that way. They ruin the lawns, have ruined paint jobs on our cars, they have screaming swear fights (hey i swear too but not like an ignorant) and three times now they have ruined the cable box by kicking it which supports over half the street. Because of this percentage of "bad ones" the neighborhood takes it out on all of them, so I totally understand what you are saying. But adults, including myself, get frustrated with the behaiours of many of them so its hard for both sides. :)

But yeah this guy is definitly in the grouping of idiots. Regardless how old he is.


04-25-03, 03:15 PM
Definitely true, I will say most. Myself, I am not a trouble maker but of course I like to have fun while I can. However there is always a time and place for this :D

04-25-03, 03:55 PM
I did not mean it like that....if I came across like that I am sorry, I know a few teens that act more like an adult than alot of adults do.

I was just using that site as an example sorry if I pissed anyone off!

But on the other side, there are alot of teens that like to come on to forums and do just what he is doing....not all but there are alot! I own a couple gaming forums and we get alot of people that just want to join to start crap....and I get sick of it, my past experience with it seems to be alot of teens. Sorry if a generalized......

04-25-03, 03:57 PM
Something else to keep in mind is that our dear David Beard has already been banned from 2 other herp related sites for similar behavior. Do we see a trend starting?

Food for thought.


04-25-03, 04:02 PM
Yea agreed and agreed. And no problem, fully understood however I just wanted to point it up. Also never did I say David Beard was a good guy, maybe someone should donate the $5000 to him and maybe he can get some brain surgery.