View Full Version : Lets see your tanks
Shane Tesser
06-10-02, 08:07 AM
Hey guys lets start something new, lets see tank pics. Together we can help solve the mysteries of keeping fish. I have currently half a dozen tanks, ill start by showing you all a little piece of the corner of my 150gallon planted (heavily planted) community tank. s.t.
Shane Tesser
06-10-02, 08:30 AM
Ill start us off rolling. Here is a pic of my big community tank, not the clearest in the world but not bad, thanks for capturing it Jeff. This tank if your wondering is six feet long and is kept in my bedroom. s.t.
Shane Tesser
06-10-02, 08:35 AM
Here is another Pic, a much smaller tank, my chilid tank, it is a wee 90 gallons, and this is the part of the left corner, i dont have a pic showing the whole thing, im working on it though, the tank is floor to ceiling wall to wall rocks, with pvc hidden out of site underneath as well as hidden flower pots. Its cost almost $500.00 for the rock work alone, almost embarrassing. s.t.
Hey Shane. Here's a couple of pics of my tanks...
This one is a 40 gallon planted with Tiger Barbs and Khuli Loaches. It looks quite different now. I should take another pic.
This one is a 50 gallon Malawi set-up. There's a yellow Lab on the left just like yours. :) I wanna put these guys in a 125 soon. I know what you mean about pricey rock! It's crazy expensive! The stuff in this tank is just beach 'pebbles' and lace rock I got at a landscaping place.
I also have a 15 gal in the kitchen with N. Multifasciatus breeding... very cool fish. My daughter has a 5.5 in her room with a couple guppies and a dwarf anubias.
Here's one of my Multis.
All pictures were taken with the camera that I got from that Jeff guy. ;)
Shane Tesser
06-11-02, 10:46 AM
Corr, i love them. Is that a gigantic Jave moss, ive just only recently put one in and its starting to take off but your is lovely. The use of rocks in the Chiclid tank is awesome. I had first gone with lava rock because of the various display tanks in the stores, and was a big apprehensive about trying something new, but now that ive seen yours i think im going to change mime. I think i wasted my money on that stone, wanna buy some lol. The roundness of those stones is by far a much more natural look, good job. Your maltis tank is also incredible, a perfect species tank, perfect substrate, shells, and a large Jave fern, awesome, awesome, awesome. Im loving it. Ya gotta send More!!!! And that goes for everybody else reading this! s.t.
Shane Tesser
06-11-02, 10:49 AM
I can't believe how bad my spelling is JAVA FERN, JAVA MOSS, JAVA FERN, JAVA MOSS, JAVA FERN, JAVA MOSS, JAVA FERN, JAVE-DOOO!!!! JAVA MOSS JAVA FERN, JAVA MOSS, JAVA FERN, i think ive finally got it LMAO, s.t.
Hey tanks man! lol, Your tanks look awesome too! Yeah, that's a Java fern in the Multi tank. It's about 8" across. Hasn't really grown much since I got it actually. There is a couple tied to coconut shells on the left of this pic, too. They don't grow much either, they just kinda exist. Knowwhatimean?
I just took this pic a few minutes ago. Notice the sword is gone. I gave it to my brother to look after. I found it was really limiting what I could do with the tank as far as placement of other plants (big shadow). That Hygro really went nuts in a short time so I let it... gotta trim it twice a week almost! Go with the flow, right?
If you go with the beach pebbles, remember they are a lot heavier than lava rock. I cut a piece of Lexan to fit the bottom of the tank just to be save... don't want any pressure points! :bugout:
Shane Tesser
06-11-02, 10:54 PM
In one respect i dont blame you for loosing the sword, in another, i will offer this advice for what its worth. I prune mercilessly. I remove about a shopping bag a week. I have found that the way to deal with big swords, there is four in my tank by the way, is to cut looking straight down. I kinda climb right on top and any leaves in the way of the plant underneath, are pinched off. This also incourages the sword to grow upright as opposed to outward. Mine are actually two varities, all are more than thirty inches tall, flower and have shoots like crazy. I have been growing and selling them, the problem is that i do not have enough space for all the shootlets, and to be honest about ten or so a week either go in the garbage, or at times into the chilid tank as a veggie diet, lol. s.t.
Yeah, I was cutting 2 or 3 large leaves off a week. It was still to big for the tank though (it's only 16" high). The leaves would poke through the surface and turn brown and crusty. The Africans eat it eh?
06-20-02, 08:47 PM
here is a shot of my reef tank
06-20-02, 09:12 PM
Very very cool!! Wow. I want one!
Shane Tesser
06-20-02, 11:01 PM
Beautiful tanks, looks like its been established for quite some time, what are you currently housing in it, corels, fish etc?
06-23-02, 08:23 AM
This particular tank has been set up and running for 3 yrs now, but I have been keepin reefs since 1992. Currently there are at least 75 different pieces of live coral livin in this tank,representin many species some are even babies that i grew out due to them reproducing in the tank, there is three huge bubbletip anemones that have a mated pair of false Percula clowns that live in them. also there is one Tridacna Deresa Clam.
Some of the Corals include::
bubble coral
few staghorn corals also known as SPS corals
many leathers
mushrooms of many colors
torch coral
plate coral
tongue coral
green star polyps
pink star polyps
The fish list at the moment is :
red sea desjardini sailfin tang
red sea Sohal tang
red sea purple tang
yellow tang
sailfin tang
juvenile orange shoulder tang
green scat(ugly fish but an apitasia eatin fool)
16 green chromis damsels
5 yellow tail damsels
sunrise dottyback
strawberry dottyback
royal gramma
flame hawk
lawnmower blenny
banggai cardinal fish
here is a few more tank shots
Ok enough as I am sure you all are bored by now
06-23-02, 12:44 PM
Those are cool looking tanks man!!
06-23-02, 01:00 PM
Very nice tanks... I wil get some pix of my 3 tanks soon... not nearly as impressive as the planted tanks.. but alas if i plant my tanks my fish will eat em :P
hoepfully i can get some pix this week..... i should geta digital camera of my own one day heh
Shane Tesser
06-23-02, 02:22 PM
Keep em coming, i love them, how do you guys manage such good pic's i keep using jeff camera the thing cost two grand and i still can't capture the tanks right, how did you manage the close ups, are you doing something with lighting, i gotta know!
06-23-02, 04:54 PM
For most of my shots I used an ex brotherinlaws Sony Mavica, nice camera easy to use. The lighting you are using could be affecting the colors in your shots, you may have to temporarily replace some bulbs so you can get your colors to come out right in the shots.
Hope this helps,
Shane Tesser
06-24-02, 04:44 PM
I was talking to our mighty web master about my problem, he of course laughed at me, and apparently i didn't have the camera in macro mode. He says this was the whole problem and assures me that next time he is over we will get better pics. s.t.
07-16-02, 08:25 AM
these pics are pretty old,but then again how old is this thread.any way here's a couple,please excuse the african tank it's totally diff now.
Shane Tesser
07-16-02, 08:33 AM
:thumbsup: Very nice tanks:) Thanks for sharing, send more!!!
07-17-02, 11:29 AM
you ppl have nice nice nice tanks !..
Big Mike
07-17-02, 11:56 AM
I want to show off my tanks too...unfortunatly I only have a 5.5
So here is a pic of a storage tank that I used to design.
Big Mike
07-17-02, 11:58 AM
OK...Here is a picture of my Tank
07-17-02, 11:59 AM
Heck a pic of mine too!!
Big Mike
07-17-02, 11:59 AM
OK...I got up to the rank of juvenile. I'll stop being an idiot for a while.
07-17-02, 12:01 PM
Edmonton? I used to live in the Flathead Valley in Montana...a couple hours below ya Mike. You guys got a great mall....
Big Mike
07-17-02, 12:44 PM
Ya, It's OK. I have not been to Montana for 20 years so I don't remember anything about it. Find any good snakes while you were there?
07-17-02, 12:54 PM
On the west side of the state there are mountains, and not a heavy snake population. But the east half of the state is plains, almost desert conditions. There’s a heavy supply of different rattler’s and lizards, rodents and scorpions…things of that nature.
There was a milking station in a state park where they had the snakes there for milking for bite juice. Walking anywhere there, especially in the early morning sun, was an awesome experience for snake spotting. What kind of snakes are native to your area?
Big Mike
07-17-02, 02:53 PM
I have maybe caught a glimse of a garter snake but I'm not even sure of that. It's too cold for snakes up here (except for the record heat wave we are having this summer)
07-17-02, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by jameswork1
Edmonton? I used to live in the Flathead Valley in Montana...a couple hours below ya Mike. You guys got a great mall....
Im from edmonton too!!!
Shane Tesser
08-26-02, 02:44 AM
Cool Dippy, looks good...thanks for posting and please feel free to send more!
I got bored and took pictures. But I only had a horrible digital camera at my disposal. When I get my other one ready, I'll get some better pictures.
Anyway, here we go!
Feeding time:
The human is standing there and not feeding us:
Scooter dragonette has a friend:
Food around here somewhere:
Shane Tesser
09-07-02, 07:48 PM
Holy %@#$ those are awesome....give us more, very nice set up. The plant looks so healthy as does everything else, very nice set up!!! Thanks for sharing, ive been dying to see your stuff!!!
I'm glad you like the pictures!
Those 'plants' are actually algae, but are just as hard, or harder, to grow then plants. I've got a few different kinds going in there, and the seahorses just love them.
The pictures are so awful, as hard as I tried. I have to set up my good camera, and get some photos developed. Those will be nice! And some CLEAR pictures of the seahorses.
09-08-02, 01:40 AM
Wow! Thanks for sharing, Youkai! Simply gorgeous! :)
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