View Full Version : When to check?

04-24-03, 02:47 PM
I was wondering when you think your female corns are laying, but you don't have the best view into the nesting box, when do you check?

TOday is day four since pre-lay shed. I figured another few days at least, but today I can clearly see/saw one egg near the edge...but like I said its nearly impossible to tell whats going on without opening the cage up (rubbermaid) and then the nesting box (also rubbermiad but full to the brim of substrate)

I don't want to disturb her if she is in the middle of it, so when do you guys check? Does it bother them? I have read everything I can but that doesn't tell me the answers to these little questions and I am more than excited and nervous!!! thanks for any help! :)

PS The egg I can see is very large and very white so I am hoping Loki did his job and they are fertile!

04-24-03, 02:52 PM
First of all, congrats!!!

Secondly Congrats that Loki is a fertile dad...(since you said that the eggs looks good.

Thirdly to answer your question. Well since you said that you can see the eggs right now and you are not 100% sure that she has finished laying then I would just leave the eggs there for a day. Cause usually a female finishes laying her eggs within a day. Just go back tomorrow and you can definately check on her. (At least that is what I do....but since I have 150 plus snakes....I can't wait to see every female to finsih laying and putting the eggs on one side once she is done laying.) So this is what I usually do. Remember this is my way only...there are always different ways that different people use. So don't just take my way. But what I am telling you is from my experience and what I have been doing for the last 10 years.....

Hope this helped....if you have any more questions feel free to ask me by email


Good Luck and Hope that all your eggs hatch out soon!!

04-24-03, 02:55 PM
Thanks Simon! Your were answering my post, and I was answering you thread with the mating photos! *LOL*

Anyways, I figured I would wait until tomorrow to be sure, but in reality my selfish side is hoping she will hurry up and get her long butt out of there so I can take them! *LOL*


04-24-03, 03:04 PM
LOL...yes I saw that you answered my post once I finished replying your thread...lol...

yeah I would wait until tomorrow...and I totally understand that you want to peep in it...that was what happened to me before.....lol....

but really good luck with them!!!!

04-26-03, 03:45 PM
when my girls begin crusing the cage and digging into and loosening the substrate in the egg box I figure about 36 hrs more