04-24-03, 02:47 PM
I was wondering when you think your female corns are laying, but you don't have the best view into the nesting box, when do you check?
TOday is day four since pre-lay shed. I figured another few days at least, but today I can clearly see/saw one egg near the edge...but like I said its nearly impossible to tell whats going on without opening the cage up (rubbermaid) and then the nesting box (also rubbermiad but full to the brim of substrate)
I don't want to disturb her if she is in the middle of it, so when do you guys check? Does it bother them? I have read everything I can but that doesn't tell me the answers to these little questions and I am more than excited and nervous!!! thanks for any help! :)
PS The egg I can see is very large and very white so I am hoping Loki did his job and they are fertile!
TOday is day four since pre-lay shed. I figured another few days at least, but today I can clearly see/saw one egg near the edge...but like I said its nearly impossible to tell whats going on without opening the cage up (rubbermaid) and then the nesting box (also rubbermiad but full to the brim of substrate)
I don't want to disturb her if she is in the middle of it, so when do you guys check? Does it bother them? I have read everything I can but that doesn't tell me the answers to these little questions and I am more than excited and nervous!!! thanks for any help! :)
PS The egg I can see is very large and very white so I am hoping Loki did his job and they are fertile!