View Full Version : This is for all who have more than one reptile.

04-24-03, 10:51 AM
I would like to know how often you handle your reptiles?
I wonder those of you who have 50 animals or more manage to handle each and every one.

I handle each of my animals for 30minutes a day ore sometimes more.

04-24-03, 10:53 AM
I have 3 snakes and I handle them almost daily, but I imagine it's a lot harder for someone with, say, 50 snakes to handle ALL of them on a regular basis.

04-24-03, 11:09 AM
I have 8 snakes and 4 geckos now, and will handle my snakes about 2-3 times a week about 20 minutes or so. The geckos get handled every 1-2 days for 5-10 minutes each.


Tim and Julie B
04-24-03, 11:21 AM
I have to many to list. I wish I could handle them more but I only have so much time. I have decided to only add to species I already own and can be housed together. Except I still want a trio of Gulf coast box turtles. I do not want to stretch myself to thin. But I am going to stop watching so much TV after the NBA playoffs are over :D So I will find the time. -Tim

04-24-03, 12:10 PM
With 20+ snakes some unfortunately only get touched during cage cleaning.

04-24-03, 03:53 PM
I have two snakes and i feed them on different days so it is easyer to work out the handleing schedule, but my Bp likes being out of his viv and it can be difficult to get him to stay in it when i open the lid to clean water or to put him back so he is usually out for longer than planned, and i almost lose my corn everytime she comes out (she is so fast). But i spend roughly half an hour to an hour each on handleing them.

04-24-03, 04:12 PM
I ave nine snakes and a monitor. I handle the two BPs, the boa and the hognose on Mon-Wed-Fri for about 15 minutes each. The othe five snakes get handled the same amount of time on Tues-Thur-Sat. No one gets handled on Sunday, because that is my cage cleaning day. The monitor will need to be handled every day, but I just bought her last weekend, so I haven't handled her yet.

- Victoria :w

04-24-03, 04:16 PM
I have my few that I handle alot, then I have some breeders that like has been said before, only get handled when we clean the enclosures.

Most the snakes in my gallery are the ones that get messed with the most!

04-24-03, 04:32 PM
i have 25+ Snakes. they are handled during shows and cage cleaning. and if an animal does not go to shows i will handle it when i am on the internet or watching tv.


04-24-03, 07:06 PM
Some of our snakes get handled every day some get handled once a week, depends on the animal. the burms get handled every day where the kings get handled once a week.

Bryce Masuk
04-24-03, 07:12 PM
I handle them whenever there is no real routine I pull each one out like 2 times a week maybe more or less

04-24-03, 07:17 PM
i handle my snakes about 1 time a day but some times 2-3. i handle certen anamals more often then others depending on how tame they are. like i handle my burm as much as i can. she i very docile now and i want her to STAY that way. but my ball who is just a sweet heart i dont handle as much. bucause i could manage to get taged by 5 foot ball. but the last thing in hell i would want is to get taged by a 17 foot burm!

04-29-03, 01:04 AM
I guess I am kind of different from you guys becos my two reptiles are both lizards, a green lacerta and a giant day gecko. I handled the lacerta around once or twice a week- less in the past two months because I over-handled it at the beginning and she got so stressed out that the color of her head turned dark into purple-ish green. I left her alone most of the time for the past two months and the color is gradually coming back. You probably can see the differences from the two pictures I posted in the gallery. And I dun handle the Day Gecko at all because she doesn't like to be touched. Her skin get rip easily when being handled and her color would turn into a dullish green when it's stressed out. I didn't know that when I bought her (around 3 weeks ago) and it was not a pretty sight. Part of her tail came off when I tried to stop her from escaping and her skin got ripped pretty badly. Her tail is growing back now but I heard it won't look as nice as the original one, so I was lucky that only a small part came off.

04-29-03, 02:25 AM
well i have about 25 or more reptiles and it is hard to hold them all every day but most of them are out every day for a bit mostly my big snake's

05-02-03, 07:25 PM
I handle my 2 snakes and adult leo whenever I have the time, which isn't that often with 2 jobs... the corn tends to get jumpy if I go longer than 4 days without handling her for at least 15 min though, but he's getting better (it was really bad during the month the only time I had for him was feeding and cleaning)

05-03-03, 11:26 PM
not enough wish i had more time

05-05-03, 06:17 PM
I have 49 animals (excluding feeders)... half of which are reptiles... most of them are only handled for general maintenance. My tortoise doesn't get handled perse... but he does get out frequently to mosy around and whatnot, he usually follows my toes around :p My leos seems to have a need for it, and my iguana just loves soaking up the heat off people so she usually crawls on whoever is downstairs watching TV or sleeping and hangs out for an hour or so.

05-07-03, 06:43 AM
except the feeders i have 45 herps. It is not essential handling every animal (i mean species) every day. The spotted bush snakes get stressed easily, i handle them once per week. Same goes for the ball and the dwarf tegu. My colubrids don't have a problem and also have branches for their exercise. My crabs don't need any handling sessions but sometimes they eat from my hand. I don't handle Tarantulas since i don't like bold bellies. Leos are very tame and their terrarium is close to the sofa so they get used of my presense. I enjoy handling my burm (which now has reach 2,10 m.), my boas (i love my bcis!,probably the most common snake spp. but for me the most loveable) :)

05-08-03, 10:25 AM
Everyone (4 snakes) get handled pretty frequently except for 2-3 days after they eat. Usually when watching tv, on the internet, or just hanging around the house cleaning up. They like to stretch and wander around. It never fails, they all try to bee-line for under the couch!

05-14-03, 04:19 PM
I have 3 balls and 1 corn i take them all out at 1 time and play with them

05-28-03, 03:11 AM
I have two corns who I've had since they were tiny so they are very handleable and I handle them 1 or 2 times a week