04-24-03, 08:17 AM
Are these two different cricket species or mutation?
The cricket on the left is bigger than the other with a bigger belly, has longer-bigger thighs and smaller antennae. It's chirp goes like "chirp...chirp...chirp" while the cricket's on the right chirp sounds like "chiiiiiiirpchiiiiiiirpchiiiiiiirp" and in higher octave (more like field's cricket chirping).
Any suggestions?
Are these two different cricket species or mutation?
The cricket on the left is bigger than the other with a bigger belly, has longer-bigger thighs and smaller antennae. It's chirp goes like "chirp...chirp...chirp" while the cricket's on the right chirp sounds like "chiiiiiiirpchiiiiiiirpchiiiiiiirp" and in higher octave (more like field's cricket chirping).
Any suggestions?