View Full Version : If you think feeding live is cool....??

04-24-03, 06:07 AM
Think again cause this could hapen to you

04-24-03, 06:37 AM
HOLY! POOR SNAKE! Is that yours? Ouch!!!! I can't bear to look anymore :(

04-24-03, 06:45 AM
wow what were they feeding that poor ball python a Monitor or something i have seen some of your pic's and i know that cant be your's so i am going to say that the owner of that poor ball should not have reptile's did it live ?

04-24-03, 07:32 AM
It had to be put down, and it was a mouse that did it.

more info on the snake at http://www.proexotics.com/FAQ_answers_Why_do_you_suggest_feeding_thawed.html

04-24-03, 07:33 AM
A Blender is NOT a feed tote! ;)

Unfortuantely we see alot more animals like this than you would imagine. The evils of live feeding!

Scales Zoo
04-24-03, 07:33 AM
We use that photo as an example why we do not feed live.

We also have an old male boa that used to be a stage prop for a "crackhead stripper" (their words, not mine) until an equally upstanding pair of people adopted him. Wanting to watch him KILL something, the morons bought the biggest hamster they could find. It bit the poor snake as he was trying to KILL it, and he had a huge festering abcess on his face when he was dumped off at the rescue. Six months later, he needed to have surgery to remove a piece of infected bone. The only reason we spent over a grand on this snakes medical bills is that in spite of what has happened to him, he still likes people. (There are days I don't like people!) He is on the mend, and still incredibly sweet, but his scars tell the story. Everyone who sees him asks "What happened to his face??

04-24-03, 07:37 AM
MY GOOD GOD!!! Poor snake! When i feed live rodents i hold the rodent from the tail with a stick until the snake makes a strike. I let go when the snake has grab it. If a snake is not hungry then it is more like a sheep and if the rodent smell the snake and there's no one near, the poor snake have a few chances to survive.

04-24-03, 07:50 AM
OH MY GOD! That is brutal. I have always fed my snakes f/t mice and rats and thanks to that picture I always will. Poor snake.

04-24-03, 07:56 AM
How long was the mouse left in there with the snake????

04-24-03, 08:13 AM
Thank you for posting that! I always forget where it is.

Yeah and again for those who believe in it, why not tell us all why live is so good? HA! This photo is just another reason not too, and I have yet to see a reason TO feed live.

Thanks again for posting that


04-24-03, 08:48 AM
that sucks.

Tim and Julie B
04-24-03, 08:50 AM
That's really horrible. I hate iresponsible reptile owners. Anyone with any amount of reptiles related knowledge knows you don't feed live! And for pete's sake, if you do, at least pay attention.

04-24-03, 10:09 AM
I saw that pic before... It almost made me cry :(

04-24-03, 10:13 AM
I'm going to have to agree with Tim and Julie on this one. It seems that this is not a mouse problem, persay, I think this is an irresponsible pet owner. I feed half of my BP collection live, and have NEVER had an incident happen. It seems that the snake in question had an owner who decided to leave a live food item in the environment unrestricted. Stupid, stupid people.

Hamster of Borg
04-24-03, 11:04 AM
Irresponsible owner is only half of it, feeding live is never safe. Simply put, in the wild if the snake isn't immediately hungry, he moves on. Both animals confined in a small area, they're given no choice. Usually it is the rodent that suffers, but not always.

Here's a pic of a little kingsnake I got in that was with fuzzy mouse for about 5 minutes, watched the whole time. The owners saw the mouse doing something weird and took him out, but didn't even realize the snake had been bitten until the wounds started to get infected and swell a day or two later. In three days he looked like this:


All it takes is one bite to be fatal to your animal, or if not fatal - painful, disgusting and scarring. A bite can happen in a split second, before you could ever respond even if you were standing right there watching. I just think the risk is too great for my pets.


04-24-03, 11:05 AM
I'd never feed a live...

04-24-03, 12:01 PM
The first time I saw that pic on proexotics I almost puked!

But its a great pic to show people that refuse to switch to f/t.

They ended up having to put that snake down, poor guy!

04-24-03, 01:39 PM
I used to feed live the same way it was described holding by the tail and I thaught it was safer but once my burm grabed the but end (almost took my fingers) any way tha rat came back on it's self and bit her right in the neck needles to say I was the first to jump in and stop it but the damege was done and the vet bill was just what it took to topel the whater glass and change my way of thinking(200$$) vet bill jut too look and give medication for somthing that if I hade the knowlege then That I have know I could have fixed for free.

04-24-03, 03:29 PM
eww, thats horrible poor snake (s) yack difficult to imagine a mouse could do that much damage!

04-24-03, 03:42 PM
thats pretty disturbing. I feel really bad for those snakes. when i get my first snake, ill be sure never, ever to feed live

04-24-03, 03:56 PM
I use to feed my snake live, but now.....No Way!!!! Thats Brutal. I love my snake, i would hate to see something horrible like that happen.

04-24-03, 04:02 PM
Now lets try to open a live VS f/t Debat see what ppl have to say in there defence and why it would be worth the risk

04-24-03, 04:09 PM
and I have yet to see a reason TO feed live

Well we also must rememeber that some individuals will only take live. However if this is the case certain precausions should be taken ie. stunning.

04-24-03, 04:18 PM
I agree that sometimes they will only take live, but I feel some people jump to live to solve their non-feeding problems (with adult snakes that is) too quickly than really needed anyway.

And I think there are exceptions of course. Its when people say "oh its so cool" and "Its nature" without realizing the terrible logic mistake they are making in saying that. IMHO nothing is natural about a snake feeding in a small enclosed area with no escape hole/holes. Nothing natural about a mouse being cornered either, and when it does happen the mice get even more violent when they see no escape. Frantic even in some cases.

The only reason I know of personally for feeding live is for the snakes that must have it because of feeding issues. IMHO



Scales Zoo
04-24-03, 04:40 PM
I have used side cutters to snap the teeth off rats when confronted with rescues that only feed on live. Further to that, they usually bang their heads on the door frame of the cage on their way in. Once the snake discovers eating injured, then pre-killed food, it is only a matter of time before they accept thawed.
Another trick I have used is to take the water away for at least 48 hours, and then offer a wet thawed prey item. Often the snake gets excited while trying to "drink" off the prey, that they will open up and swallow it.

For the price of the snake, and the resultant vet bill, you can buy a lot of frozen food.


Bryce Masuk
04-24-03, 05:18 PM
yep as scales zoo said thats what needs to be done but i should add this think of a snake like a person they will only eat what they want to eat when they arent too hungry but when a snake is hungry they will take nearly anything just like people or any animal

04-24-03, 10:09 PM
I just kicked a guy out of chat because he got so out of line when we told him that feeding live was wrong. Here is some of what I hear:
1. The snake is aggressive, never gives the mouse a chance.
Reality--No one is quick enough to stop a pissed off mouse or rat from doing damage.

2. They will only eat live.
Reality--there are FEW species that will not accept pre-killed prey. Usually, it is because the owner does not have the patience to switch over.

3. I will watch, and if anything goes wrong, I can stop it.
Reeality--No, you can't. Damage will be done before you can react.

4. Well, in the wild, no one kills the prey for them.
Reality--In the wild, they can run if they need to. They are not confined to a feeding tote, or a cage.

I really don't think there is much debate on this, Chondro. Any responsible owner that cares for his/her pets will not feed live.

Scales, are you for real? Cutting the teeth out of live rats? Something that people forget here is that by feeding pre-killed prey, it also is more humane to the rat, as well. The rats are either put to sleep gently, or we smack them against something, killing them instantly. These are less painful ways to die then to have a snake grab it, then strangle it to death for a couple of minutes.

Just because it is our pet, does not mean that we should be any less humane to other live animals. I have no problem in killing rats and mice; I do it repectfully. I could never imagine cutting the teeth off of a live rat...that is horrible!!

There, Chondro. If you wanted a debate, I might of just started one.

Bryce Masuk
04-24-03, 10:47 PM
Some snakes wont take prekilled because they are in bad shape yet they need food some times its the only thing you can do it is a better choice then feeding regular live food since it can bite back soon the snake will take regular prey when it is used to it when its in better shape

04-25-03, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by Bryce Masuk
Some snakes wont take prekilled because they are in bad shape yet they need food some times its the only thing you can do it is a better choice then feeding regular live food since it can bite back soon the snake will take regular prey when it is used to it when its in better shape

If the snake is in that bad shape that's even more reason NOT to feed live. If the snake is in that poor shape you can always assist feed or use a different feeding method (ie. baby food in a large needleless syringe).

04-25-03, 03:22 PM
Verry well said Lisa I like the way this thread is comming along some well respected oppinions thanx guys keep them coming

04-25-03, 07:53 PM
I just get upset sometimes when people think so much more of thier snake then the prey it is given. People tend to get soo angry at the rat, when in reality, all it is doing is what any of us would do in the same situation. Imagine you getting bit and wrapped up in a giant anaconda or something like that. Are you going to just lay there and let it eat you? Of course not, you are going to fight with all you have in you. Rats and mice are no exception. Realize that they are fighting for thier lives too, and that is where the damage to your snake happens. Even worse is a rat that has been struck at, but the snake missed. THEN you have a really pissed off rat, that will fight out of fear, anger, and adrenaline.

Lets not forget that although rats and mice are part of the natural feeding chain, that doesn't mean that we have the right to treat them badly or cause them undo pain and suffering. Cutting thier teeth out so they cannot react to their natural defense mechanism is cruel punishment.

The best thing for everyone concerned--your snake, your prey item, and you--is to humanely kill the prey before-hand.

Yes, there will always be a debate on whether certain snakes will only take live. I think, for the most part, that is a load of crap. I took in a 3 year old rescue a few months back, and it had been fed live its entire life. I offered pre-killed the first feeding, and it took it no problem. Remember, you can make any pre-killed rat appear to be alive with a long pair of hemo-stats.

Usually, the ones that say that thier snake "will not take anything other then live" are just making excuses for their selfish actions. I beleive that you can turn ANY snake from feeding live to feeding p/k. It takes time.

On a side note, think of these snakes in the wild. Sometimes, it may be weeks or even months before a snake finds a rat of mouse to come walking by it. Out of survival instinct, if a snake comes across a dead prey, it will eat it!!

04-25-03, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by jpaulson
I just get upset sometimes when people think so much more of thier snake then the prey it is given. People tend to get soo angry at the rat, when in reality, all it is doing is what any of us would do in the same situation.

I agree, which is why our snakes food is well fed and treated before they are killed.

05-01-03, 06:46 PM
I agree,dont do it ! but sometimes it has to be live,but i just give em a whack and shake the hell out of them,this works really good I wouldnt want this to happen to my snakes.So if your snake wont eat,dont think your beat,just take the mouse and whack away,thats what I and most snake lovers say!!

Hamster of Borg
05-01-03, 08:22 PM
Just another graphic photo to get the point across.

