View Full Version : bad caresheets

Bryce Masuk
04-23-03, 11:40 PM
yep there out there are here is one of them some of the stuff is good but look at size and age 12-18 feet yes thats common Not http://www.dracoslair.net/boa.html

Bryce Masuk
04-23-03, 11:43 PM
and the 3:1 ratio he suggests for breeding 3 males to one female That is quite possably the dumbest thing i have heard whats he trying the reverse harlem system good luck with that one

04-23-03, 11:50 PM
I took a look at it quikly but I did not find any thing wrong yes it said that they grow 12 feet and rarely hit 18 feet and that is not wrong it has ben recorded. It did not say that that was the size it would get all the time

04-24-03, 12:14 AM
Multiple males is very often necessary with boas man. They aren't like pythons at all. Its weird, sometimes its necessary. Bci's can be the garter snakes of the boid world sometimes.

No joke.

Bryce Masuk
04-24-03, 12:58 AM
multiple may may be nessary but you dont need 12 males and 4 females you may need 4 males to get 4 females to breed if you do swapping but it doesnt seem logical to have 12 male and 4 females

Bryce Masuk
04-24-03, 01:03 AM
it said they are 12 to 18 feet when in fact many are 10-12 feet

Bryce Masuk
04-24-03, 01:06 AM
quoted from the site "Adults grow between 12 and (rarely) 18 feet"
" The usual maximum size is about 11.5 feet, but it has been known to grow to nearly 18 feet"
so it has some things that dont work yet some do I agree 99% of it is right but those two things are screwey

04-24-03, 01:33 AM
Sort of.

So it had two points that were questionable; adult size and sex ratio for breeding? I wouldn't classify it as a bad caresheet. Not quite. But then, I've seen some reeeeaaal bad ones in my day. Stuff that would make you pop a lung it was so bad. I guess its all relative.

And if you fed boas like most of the big breeders do, you're average for adult females would be 12 feet as well.

04-24-03, 11:27 AM
There were several points in the General Description that were off such as saddle counts, classification, and size (lol... 100+ lb boa... glad to know I keep these animals by myself :eek: :p). Even 10-12 feet is quite rare for them to reach. 6-9 feet is more the typical range. Hehehe... I'd like to try and find a neonate in a 4x4x8 enclosure, too! I wouldn't agree in that guinea pigs should NEVER be fed... made it sound like they were poison. Anything that gives out false information can be labelled as "bad". There was more than one little mistake in there, some were just differences in opinion, however there were quite a few factual errors as well...

Bryce Masuk
04-24-03, 05:52 PM
I dont doubt boa's CAN get huge but its not the norm thos are oversized but older females i dont doubt can get to be 12 feet

04-24-03, 06:24 PM
There were several points in the General Description that were off such as saddle counts, classification, and size (lol... 100+ lb boa... glad to know I keep these animals by myself ). Even 10-12 feet is quite rare for them to reach. 6-9 feet is more the typical range. Hehehe... I'd like to try and find a neonate in a 4x4x8 enclosure, too! I wouldn't agree in that guinea pigs should NEVER be fed... made it sound like they were poison. Anything that gives out false information can be labelled as "bad". There was more than one little mistake in there, some were just differences in opinion, however there were quite a few factual errors as well...

Yes yes Yes linds you are soooooo right and I bow to you (I am not worthy) This size debate has been going on here for a bit now.Certan indivudals would have us believe(or try to) that some boids average much more than they really do.I have said in the past what looks 12 feet usally tape measures 9 feet or so.But we still get the (I saw one or I know someone who has)I have called folks on this before and said bring the snake and we will measure it.Those who did had a priceless look on thier face when the tape told the story.Yes some B.c.c can hit 12 feet (15 could be a long shot but possable) 18 is more like a conda.

Chris marshell has a huge and I mean huge female Suri (right at a measured 10 feet 75 real pounds) That full grown girl makes my 6 foot male look like a worm,he is around 3 years or so so I do not think he will surpass 7 feet or so (true red tail Suri) when he is full grown.Oh well this will just start the yungins a ranting again about what they know and what we don't (hey linds I know that you know that i know what you know Jeff f too)

How about those canucks Jeff ? still got beer here man


04-24-03, 07:40 PM
So the guy was a little off on size, so what? And who really cares about the saddle count on their snakes? If you have enough time to count the saddles on your snakes, you should get a life.

04-24-03, 11:47 PM
Man I hate the Canucks!

Go Sens.

My boas better get 12 feet or I want my money back.


Gary D.
04-25-03, 07:06 AM
In my oppinion any sheet with that much erroneous or misleading info is a bad care sheet. Especially to be published.

3 to 4 months brumination at 60 degrees, and a 3-5 hour photo period. What the He**???? Can you say RI, and then on top of that add the stress of breeding and gestation.


04-25-03, 07:32 PM
lol@ jeff.
the 18 ft max that was once claimed as the biggest ever boa, was actually mistaken as a green anaconda. the guy who made the original claim was later shown pics of several boids and picked out the green when he was asked to identify the "giant" he saw. clifford popes book 'giant snakes' shows a 15' B.c.c being held around its head. holy sh*t. it was bloody massive. it was printed in the 60's but still worth a read and more worthy of a decent update