View Full Version : Bar fridge incubator...

Grant vg
04-23-03, 11:20 PM
Just finished this tonight...
It was a lot easier then i thought it was going to be, and with the helix control it just made it that much easier :)

-mini bar fridge
-computer fan
-AC adapter
- heat pad/heat tape
as well as the helix control.


Thanks for lookin!


04-24-03, 12:07 AM
very nice Grant..

As a suggestion .. you should cut out the inside middle of the front door of the fridge .. and put in a piece of glass and spray some of the that fill in foam and the cut it to make it look nice..

this would give u a nice viewin surface.. thats how I intend on doing mine ..

Looks great bro .. i hope you'll get to put so blood eggs in there :)

Tim and Julie B
04-24-03, 12:55 AM
Wow i have been wondering if you could make an incubator out of a bar fridge. I was just talking about it a half an hour ago! Is the AC adaptor for the computer fan? What is a helix control? Where does it go? I'm going to build one!

04-24-03, 01:03 AM
Looks good, I second the opinion on the glass viewing.

Grant vg
04-24-03, 01:11 AM
i was thinking the same thing dom, but i have no clue how i could cut through the fridge door.
i mean its a good 2-3 inches thick. plus theres all these shelfs etc...any idea how i could do it?

Tim, yes you wire the fan cord to the ac cord.
A helix control is the top of the line thermostat in my books. go to www.helixcontrols.com.

04-24-03, 01:34 AM
Careful you don't dry out the eggs my man (especially blood eggs).

Helix rules.

04-24-03, 03:15 AM
very cool grant how much did it cost to make?

Grant vg
04-24-03, 11:19 AM
yea i know jeff, got a good month to test it out. cant let anything go wrong :)

Burmese, the bar fridge cost $100 CDN (although this one works, you could probably find a broken one for less. Check your local fix-it store.)
the fan was free, but i think they go for like 10 bucks or so.
i just had the heat pad lying around, but it can only get up to 87 degrees , so i think im gonna switch it to heat tape.

the helix control, cost close to 300 CDN .


04-24-03, 11:35 AM
Grant that is very cool. I have everything needed to build that except for the bar fridge and the helix controls where would be the best place to get the helix?. Oh yeah...can you send me those cage plans?



dead bob
04-24-03, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by Grant vg
i was thinking the same thing dom, but i have no clue how i could cut through the fridge door.

This (http://www.porter-cable.com/index.asp?e=547&p=2756) will cut right through that door. Just take it off the hinges, lay it face down on a couple of saw horses, and clamp both sides down. This saw or any other brand of reciprocating saw will make short work of that door.

04-24-03, 08:20 PM
if you guys have heat tape on the bottom of the frigde.. wont any water condence and drip onto the heat tape and possibly short curcuit anything or anything?.. like the way i wire the heat tape... i just seal it with electical tape.....? thanks

Grant vg
04-24-03, 11:24 PM
There shouldn't be any water condensation....


Grant vg
04-24-03, 11:26 PM
Steeve, go to www.helixcontrols.com to look at all the thermostats, but order then from www.beanfarm.com as helix takes for ever to ship there own products...lol

Ill get those plans to you soon.

@ Dead Bob, would a jig saw work?????


04-24-03, 11:27 PM
that's not to bad of a cost for that thank's for the INFO grant
good job

dead bob
04-25-03, 05:28 AM
Originally posted by Grant vg
@ Dead Bob, would a jig saw work?????


I wouldn't suggest using a jig saw. One, the door is probably too thick for the blade. And second, the blades are very thin and break easily. A reciprocating saw is really the way to go. You can try a jig saw, just make sure you have a long enough blade, the blade is for sheet metal, and you take it real slow and not a lot of pressure.

04-25-03, 07:09 AM
pretty shure that door is simply 2 sheets of metsl .. so asdead bob said.. I'd use a reprocating saw or I'd try a jigsaw too..

Dril a few holes.. get the saw in there and see how much destruction u can make!

By curiosity? How or u gonna control humidity? Are u using no substrate.. and the container inside a container closed off?

Take care

04-25-03, 07:14 AM
Thanks Grant!

04-25-03, 08:50 PM
Been checking out the Helix site. Can't quite picture what the phone cords are for though...

04-25-03, 08:59 PM
They are USB Hook Up for your Comp Helix is #1 in my book :) :)

04-25-03, 10:31 PM
I built one of these myself not to long ago. I put my heat tape on the inside back of the unit. I have 8 Ball python eggs in there right now and it is doing Great.
Here is a good link http://www.arbreptiles.com/cages/incubator.html
It goes into pretty good detail.
I think I will have to build a larger one at some point . I dont think the "dorm fridge" will be large enough for a clutch of Burm Eggs.