View Full Version : Holding my Nile/pics/continued from other post

04-23-03, 02:04 PM
This I consider a privilege to be able to do.
And it has taking years of work, for this level
of acceptance to take place. I love this girl!!!
Most will not ever be like this and I know she could still turn at any second. Handleing her like this is rare and never done alone. I do stroke her back and blow my sent on her daily.


04-23-03, 02:45 PM
Nice animal!.. Niles arent easy too tame, so you're either doing something right, its just an "individual" good work done obviously!

Steeve B
04-23-03, 03:00 PM
I just love this photo, I don’t know this Lady But I thank her for sharing this photo.
I don’t keep Niloticus only Ornatus, I can say every specimen I kept became very nice captive, and I agree with you no monitor is more rewording then a tame Nil. It takes patient and devotion to get there but worth all the efforts, congratulation on your achievement. Kind regards

Steeve B
04-23-03, 03:25 PM
They are spirited no dough but remembers all domestic dogs are descendent of the wolf.
With selective breeding many species will become tractable.
This male was sent to me by Paul, he never tried to bite me but I guess Paul got bitten a few time to achieve this level.
Thanks Paul, he bred last month with my nicest female.

04-24-03, 12:42 AM
and i thought my Nile was big but the pic of the Nile and that lady beat's my Nile by a few inches nice pic's

04-24-03, 12:47 AM
very nice niles and pics guys bermese python post a pic of your huge tame female nile.

05-01-03, 11:53 PM
well here is my girl doing what she likes best "Bath Time" :)http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/502/1639nile_1.jpg

05-02-03, 12:47 AM
This was my favevorite monitor to work with and it was so photogenic that day I could not pass up the opertunity(can't spell that right)

05-02-03, 12:48 AM
And then there is the enclosure.....