View Full Version : Boy BWSmith!

04-22-03, 06:35 PM
You were right! When you know where to look, these guys are EVERYWHERE! I love it!


That's 2 in my hand there.

04-22-03, 06:53 PM

04-23-03, 07:54 AM
Funny about that huh? That is the Key...

04-24-03, 02:51 PM
Where do you find them? And where are they native to?

04-24-03, 03:19 PM
I found them both in the same place. I put a piece of ply out in my back woods to attract things. I guess it starting to attract more Ringnecks and become a Ringneck Hangout. I'm pretty sure these guys can be found in most states. But I found these ones in Central FL.

04-25-03, 09:00 AM
Ringnecks range from the Maritimes and extreme southern Quebec and Ontario (northern Ringnecks) all the way to Florida (southerns)

They like very moist environments as a rule. Chances are if you're in their geographical range and you can find terrestrial salamanders, you'll find ringnecks. They also eat worms, other small snakes, frogs and lizards. They are almost always under something, like rocks, wood slabs, rotting logs etc.

Tim and Julie B
04-25-03, 09:52 AM
Man. Those are some really nice little snakes.:thumbsup: They are colorful. I like 'em. They say small right? pssst.......send some up.;)

04-25-03, 01:42 PM
their normal max size is like 10 - 12" but BWSmith just caught an 18 incer.