View Full Version : Genes..can you help...please

04-22-03, 08:28 AM
Hi everyone, I never payed attention in science class cause of the girls and their short kilts...lol. See if you can help

Im trying to figure out what the difference between a Dominant , Codominant and Recessive genes are. I have the definitions but no examples.

Can you give me examples of these genes and why they are Dominant , Codominant and Recessive.

Thank you,

Darren Hamill
04-22-03, 10:18 AM

Ralph Davis does a good job of explaining the genetics.. Here some some pages for you to check out...



If you have any questions we'll be more then happy to help..

04-22-03, 10:23 AM
Serpwidget also has a very good genetics primer using corn snake morphs at http://www.serpwidgets.com/cornsnakes/Genetics/genetics.html
Hope one of the links offered here helps you Nuno.

04-22-03, 12:40 PM
Thanks Darren and reverendsterlin for your help I'm going to read the inforation over a few times.