View Full Version : How Much???

04-21-03, 11:15 AM
Hey all i was just wondering on the price range for an all blue morph crested gecko, and also perhaps where i could find one. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


04-21-03, 11:25 AM
Unfortunatley, there's no such thing as a blue crested gecko....sorry to stomp all over your hopes and dreams....

If you go to places like www.crestedgecko.com, they have pictures of a gecko they consider to be almost 'blue'....but they've only just begun working with it, and it's still impossible anyway. :S I think it goes something like...the geckos can't produce blue pigment...or something....I just woke up.


04-21-03, 02:50 PM
There's no such thing, but it definitely is a good topic. :D
Some grey cresteds can have a blueish cast to them, but that's about it.
All of the "blue" cresteds I've seen have some degree of orange/cream colouring... has anyone else noticed this?

If this was true then it could be explained using the colour spectrum... You would think you are seeing blue instead because orange & blue are contrasting colours, so in other words the blue would be on optical screwup triggered by the orange.
I have no idea how valid this is, but it makes sense to me. :)

04-21-03, 04:02 PM
There is no such thing as a blue crestie :( some cresties look blue when they are just about to shed though, i guess thats cool enough though!!!!

04-21-03, 04:04 PM
What do you mean there's no such thing as a blue crestie?! I know 6 people who breed 'em! And boy...they are $$EXPENSIVE$$!!! You will usually be able to find them selling for about $700.

04-21-03, 04:59 PM
lofl Riiiiight. I'm sure they do.

04-21-03, 05:07 PM
heres a pic of a blue: http://www.crestedgecko.com/cgblue1.JPG


04-21-03, 05:13 PM
Hey! Jordan...you took my photo! Heh :P That's okay though. I'm sorry that I couldn't give you a very good photo...I mean this one looks a lot like a grey but I guess its good enough.

04-21-03, 05:24 PM
Crested geckos are polymorphic and can change colors. Some will apear greyish blue before shed or at other times, but NO crested gecko stays the same color all the time. The blue morph was never proven and is just a random genetic quirk, an unstable one at that (the "blue" ones aren't even really blue, nor do the stay that way). So, I guess in reality, there is no true blue crested gecko.

04-21-03, 05:25 PM
Originally posted by JD@reptiles
heres a pic of a blue: http://www.crestedgecko.com/cgblue1.JPG

That picture on the crestedgecko.com site is explained on the crested gecko page:


So far, we have only 1 Crested Gecko in our collection that we consider to be a "blue". She's an adult breeding female. Hopefully, we will be able to provide blue babies in the future. "

Garrick is a leading breeder of cresties, and he admits it's what he would 'consider' not call blue.
Allen Repashy of Sandfire Dragon Ranch admits blue isn't available right now, and a 'true blue' is probably impossible. He (and many others who know cresties) have stated on 'another rhac forum which shall remain unnamed' that blue doesn't exist. Even the blue in the Crested Gecko article in Reptiles USA 2002 annual isn't true blue. I can't find his explanation at the moment, but it's more optical illusion and shedding cycle.

Anyone who is breeding and selling blue crested geckos is either the luckiest person alive, is selling optical illusions as blue, or is misleading the customers. I know which of the three I'm putting it down to.

04-21-03, 11:17 PM
Thanks alot for all your efforts. Guess all i did was stumble onto a debate lol. Oh well i've not got much of a clue about crested geckos and was only interested in getting into them cause they're so awsome looking. I wasn't really hoping that there was a blue morph and i was told that there was a blue morph but it was just false info passed on from person-person. Anyways thanks again for all your help. Hopefully some day someone will stumble apon a blue morph and it'll stick, until that day i'll stick with some of the other morphs.

