View Full Version : Mites?

04-21-03, 10:30 AM
I posted this in the BP forum...but after I thought about it, it would have been better off here.

Could I get a read? http://www.ssnakess.com/forums/showthread.php?s=&threadid=14275

04-21-03, 11:40 AM
I personally use Nix to treat mite infestations, luckily, I have only had to deal with it once. I like it because it is one of the safest methods to use (when diluted properly) and it's easily found at pharmacies and cheap.

Maybe you could use this until you wait for your Black Night to come it. Use one bottle (2oz or 59ml) to 1 gallon of water, spray cleaned enclosure, furnishings except water dish of course and snake, place snake back in enclosure and you're done for your first treatment. You can use the Black Night one week later as your second treatment or the Nix.

Good luck! Cleaning 25 tanks in one day.... OUCH!!!


04-21-03, 12:00 PM
Well this isnt a sure fire way but when I had a break out in my mice tanks a little while ago while I was cleaning the cages I used some strong bleach water in a spray bottle. They seemed to die right away. Of course that doesnt help you with the animals but it could keep the mite population down until the stuff arives. Maybe you should go with the nix and soak the dishes and spray the surrounding area with bleach. Ive also heard that the bleach will eat the outer lining to the eggs and kill them as well.

04-22-03, 04:10 PM
OK, I have another question?

I found out that I can't get BK anymore without ordering a whole case, so I called around and went and got NIX.

Now my question is, what is the best ratio to mix this stuff, I mean it is a cream and it say's nothing about mixing with water. How much should I mix with a gallon of water?

And is it safe to keep and use it once a week in a squirt bottle to spray the tank and herps down?