View Full Version : Smallest

04-20-03, 10:40 PM
I was just wondering what are some of the smallest monitor you are able to purchase?? And how much would they cost?

04-20-03, 10:43 PM
Black Tree Monitors are pretty small, and I believe they are in the 400$ range.


04-20-03, 10:44 PM
Oh, Ackies are pretty small too. They are 400-600, depending on colour and such.


04-20-03, 10:47 PM
Are there any small monitors that cost about like $100.**

04-20-03, 10:51 PM
I don't think so. The only ones that are that inexpensive are either WC or a monitor that has become too big to handle (savs, niles). The smaller ones are desireable, and so cost more.

Tim and Julie B
04-20-03, 11:00 PM
Okay, small monitors:green tree, black tree, spiny-tailed(ackies), timors, peach throat(3 or so feet), Storr's, I think there may be a couple of others, but I can't see any of them being around $100. More likely $400 and up! Especially at pet stores.

04-20-03, 11:11 PM
I believe the smallest varanid would be the Storr's monitor. Other small monitors are Timors and Ackies (Spiny tail). These are not cheap. :)

04-20-03, 11:57 PM
What size are you looking at for a black tree monitor or a peachthroat? I havent really looked into those as I always thaught they were much bigger.

Tim and Julie B
04-21-03, 12:21 AM
The peach-throat are usually around 3-3.5 feet and the black tree and green trees are usually about 4 feet, but that's mostly tail. A friend of mine had black trees and they were very cool, they can hang by their tails and stuff. Not something you'd expect from a monitor. Like you, I'd always thought that they were large bodied, but they are fairly lean.

04-21-03, 12:27 AM
Black Trees are teenie! and OH so cute! Well, they are fairly long, but it's all tail. Definitely worth the $$!!


Tim and Julie B
04-21-03, 12:33 AM
I prefer the green trees. Such an amazing color. But the blacks are so sleek with those long tails. They are basically the same for care, and grow pretty much the same too.:D

04-21-03, 12:49 AM
Peach troat can grow more then 4 ft and are more bulky then the tree monitor. Have a look at this website, it's great http://www.themonitorspot.com/index.html

Tim and Julie B
04-21-03, 01:04 AM
Yeah,with tail the peachies are longer and bigger bodied. I only meant that the greens and blacks were 4' with tail and slim bodied. I wasn't saying they were alike(greens&blacks and peachies) just that they were all fairly small. Didn't mean to confuse anyone if I did, Julie. Yup,good site, thanks.

04-21-03, 01:16 AM
No problem, I misread, english's not my first language... :)

04-21-03, 01:22 AM
Ha ha, the only monitor you're going to get for 100 bucks is a mentally insane water, nile, Savannah, or WT/BT!

Small monitors are Storr's, pygmy mulgas, and Caudos (smallest). But they are not in your price range at $100.

But keep in mind to properly house and maintain a cheapo WC monitor will cost in the thousands. SO within a year's time, that cheap monitor will be many many times more expensive than any of the Odatria monitors or smaller Indo monitors.

04-21-03, 05:48 AM
Not to knit pick, but <i>V. brevicauda</i> is the smallest Monitor Jeff ;)............and you forgot <i>V. kingorum</i>. I believe <i>V. a. bartiji</i> are the smallest of that group so they would fit in there somewhere too.

As for the most affordable, small monitor.......I would definately say Yellow Spiny-tails. They are only available in captive bred (which is enough reason for me right there), remain "friendly" so one could interact with them regularly, are easy to house (even as adults), and are amazing to watch.

Many of the other monitors talked about through out this thread are not even an option as even if you had the money to purchase, finding them would be near impossible.

Just my $0.02 :)

04-21-03, 08:58 AM
I thought about the kingorums right after I posted!!!


04-21-03, 09:03 AM
So why are the smaller ones more expensive?? Is is because there smaller??

Tim and Julie B
04-21-03, 09:05 AM
They are very hard to get without being WC.

04-21-03, 09:12 AM
Is that the only reason??

04-21-03, 10:08 AM
Actually, they are hard to get because they are Australian. Wild caught isn't even an option.
Australia has had it's doors closed on export of their wild flora and fauna for 3 decades.
Typical wild caught monitor species are relatively cheap, but some get pretty pricey due to limited annual quota issues by the exporting country.
Monitors tend to hold their high value as well, mostly due to they are more difficult to breed/hatch than say Bearded Dragons.

Tim and Julie B
04-21-03, 11:05 AM
Hey just thought I'd put in my 2. The person from Niagara is right if you want the best dwarf species get a yellow ackie. They are highly active, eat just about anything and friendly. I have two friends with them. One of theirs you can put your hand in the cage and the ackie will run over and jump on your hand. Blk trees aren't all that expensive. There were two at the Calgary show last year both for under $250 ea. Although they were probably LTC. Even WC Blks tame down better then other monitors ( it took only two months for my friends). Unforunately you can still get WC Australian species. Although more unlikely then 10 years ago. People smuggle them to Papau New Guinea or Indo. and then out from there. This is an on going problem. Although I don't know if this is the case with ackies since captive breed is more and more comman. Reptilez have you thought about a dwarf Tegu ( I can hear everyone on this forum groaning already). I don't know if they are being captive breed yet so they maybe WC but it is something to look into. The two species are Callopistes flavipunctatus 40 inches and Callopistes maculatus 19 inches. My friend owned the former they have a spectacular pattern. I have no idea on price or availability ( I think his were cheap). I don't know if anyone breeds them so they might be WC. But I thought I would offer it as a reasonable alturnative you might want to check into.- Tim

I just wanted to add that I personally do not agree with buying WC. But some people don't seem to mind.

04-21-03, 02:05 PM
thanx for the info. Very much appretiated!