View Full Version : What a difference!

04-20-03, 09:32 PM
http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/151wm4.jpg Check out the difference in this wild Miami corn and the wild corn from Tampa below. Hard to believe, huh? Still not up to par for my female Miami. Maybe next year. Lots of black.

04-20-03, 09:34 PM
http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/data/500/151wcpt4.jpg Not a lot of black on this guy. A very stout animal. Father to my "classic" corns when bred w/ Okeetee female.

04-20-03, 10:58 PM
That Miami is KILLER!!

Just incredible the variation.

Thanks for posting these Mark!

04-21-03, 08:14 AM
Man, the Miami almost looks like an eastern milk...

04-21-03, 08:35 AM
I like them both. But if i had them in a breeding schedule i'd never cross those patterns together. I would cross the Miami with a high anery corn (bold black).

04-21-03, 08:50 AM
They are both very nice. The male looks like my very first corn.

04-21-03, 01:05 PM
Greg, since they're both males,I would never cross the two either! He's (the Miami) for Miami females only. Possibly an anerythristic female. I did that cross before- Miami x anery, and got normals. I'll post below.

04-21-03, 01:11 PM
This is from a anerythristic (A) male x Miami female.

04-21-03, 04:41 PM
what happens with a miami x with a okeetee?

04-21-03, 04:58 PM
Well I read that you cannot breed okeetees because they are not a morph...they are simply corns which are more colorful than others therefor I am guessing that you would get the same thing that you would get if you mixed a normal with a miami. I still do not know what you would get with that though :P

04-21-03, 05:14 PM
If Okeetee pattern is not genetic then how do you explain albino Okeetee or Creamsicle Okeetee? Check out http://www.cornsnake.net/gallery/gallery.php3?id=58 for pics.

04-21-03, 05:16 PM
Albino okeetees are the same things...they are really really pretty okeetees. Okeetees were named after a golf course where a pretty cornsnake was found but it has no genetic meaning. Just change the word "Okeetee" to the word "Pretty" and you have the same snake! A "Pretty" Cornsnake. A "pretty" albino cornsnake. A "Pretty" creamsicle. That's all what okeetee means. I am not sure if this is right but I have been doing research on this and from my own experience.

04-21-03, 06:20 PM
Okeetee was a hunt club in Jasper Co. S.C. brought to fame by Carl Kauffeld in his books. He described many corns there. As time has passed "Okeetee" has been synonomous with cornsnakes having dark red saddles bordered by thick black rings on a red/orange ground color, and not necessarily the locale they're from. Not all snakes found in Jasper Co. are "textbook" Okeetees. An amel or "reverse" Okeetee would have thick WHITE borders around each saddle. A creamsicle Okeetee, I guess, would be a product of crossing the two (creamsicle and Okeetee) and breeding the resulting babies back to each other. Of course a creamsicle has emory in it's genes too. I would guess that a Miami x Okeetee would result in "normals" but may have nice black borders much like Okeetee. It seems the orange outweighs the gray when it comes to the ground color.hmmm.. I say breed Okeetee to Okeetee when possible ( I have no male) and Miami to Miami.These are only my opinions however and subject to debate obviously. I was trying to show how different normally occuring phases of the corn snake can be. You gotta love 'em.