View Full Version : help determining a hybrid's latin name?

04-19-03, 06:55 PM
Does anyone know how latin names are combined for a hybrid cross? My friend recently purchased a diamond/carpet cross, morelia spilota spilota and spilota variegata are the two latins I believe.


04-19-03, 07:07 PM
Do hybrids even have a latin name?? I think it's just morelia spilota spilota / spilota variegata. But I could be wrong :confused:

04-19-03, 07:50 PM
Variegata x spilota?? Never heard of that one. Spilota are commonly crossed with cheynei. Common name would be Diamond x Jungle. Latin for a cross would either be spilota x cheynei or morelia spilota ssp. I think, but I am not positive about that.

04-19-03, 08:21 PM
I've been thinking about that problem too... maybe add another level to it? morelia spilota spilota variegata or would it be morelia spilota variegata spilota? which one comes first?

04-19-03, 10:33 PM
A cross breeding between two subspecies does not warrant a latin or scientific name. It is not a recognized species or subspecies so therfore doesn'tget a latin name.

If you wnat to assign one to your snake basically it is just adding and "X" between the full latin names of both species/subspcies.
Like so

Morelia spilota spilota x Morelia spilota variegata


M.s. spilota x M.s.variegata

to shorten it up a bit.

That would be the only scientific/latin name that would apply to your snake.

04-19-03, 10:57 PM
I guess all the mut dogs out there should all be given new species names too then.:rolleyes:

04-20-03, 01:14 AM
All dog breeds except for hybrid wolf dogs are all the same species.