View Full Version : I need some advice on....

04-19-03, 12:52 PM
Hi, i just got a ball python and i was planning to move him into a rubbermaid. I heard that i should use heat tape to heat it up or i can use a heat pad that you can get from wal-mart. Whats the best option, i also heard that it might be too hot, any suggestions that could lower the amount of heat???

04-19-03, 12:58 PM
You could get get a heat mat with a thermostat.

04-19-03, 03:11 PM
I would go w/ the heat mat, but be careful what kind you buy. Some human heat pads have an automatic shut-off built in and this can cause problems, obviously. The heat pad should be left on 24/7 and only cover about 1/3 of the cage. You could get a thermostat, or if you use paper towels as a substrate, just layer them to get the appropriate surface tempertaures (around 88-90 on the warms side, and 78-80 ambient temps). Hope this helps.

04-19-03, 05:19 PM
Personally I prefer undertank heaters, human heat pads are not meant for 24/7 use. As for lowering the heat you can get rheostats, thermostats or build your own (there's a how to artical in the enclosure creations section.)

Big Mike
04-21-03, 08:54 AM
An under tank heating mat or heat tape will work well with a Rubbermaid enclosure. You need to control the heater and measure the temp inside the enclosure right above the heater location.

Layering paper towel inside the enclosure (for temp control) is not a good idea. Snakes like to get under things. I have found that an easy and quick method for temporarily controlling heat from a UTH to a Rubbermaid is to place the UTH under or in a paper back book or similar insulator. It's not a good long term method but it's better than cooking a snake with an uncontrolled UTH.

A rheostat or thermostat is your best bet for controlling the heat in your enclosure.

Good Luck.

04-21-03, 02:30 PM
I decied to go with heat tape but the question i wanted to know was should i stick it directly to the rubbermaid????

04-21-03, 04:36 PM
where are you keeping the rubbermaid is my first question. are you keeping it on a rack with other snakes? than the rack. if you are going to only have one snake, than maybe the rubbermaid. will the rubbermaid be bid enough for the adult size?

04-21-03, 04:44 PM
Well, i have him in a rubber maid that will be good for like 1.5 years, Im only keeping one snake and i heard that too big of an enclosure could stress out the ball so thats why i went with something smaller. I plan to move him into a bigger rubbermaid when he is older but im not quite sure on the size, any ideas??

04-21-03, 07:21 PM
Crestie, kudos to you for asking all the right questions.

Scrap the heat tape for one SINGLE Rubbermaid as its not worth your time. Get a Sunbeam heat pad ($19 at WalMart) and put it under the cage to get your proper range. Don't put it inside though. Baby Balls can live in the 11.4L size Rubbermaid, then at a year or so can be moved on to the 26.4L size. Then depending on its adult size, us the 42L version or find a bigger one.

Piece of cake.

04-22-03, 12:13 PM
Thanks for the help!!!! :)