View Full Version : What is the best bedding for Burms

04-19-03, 01:38 AM

Hey big snake owners i have a few big Burm's and i like the best for them and i was wondering what is the best to use for bedding right now i am useing Repti Bark and i have some big cage's and and people keep telling me to use new's paper that it is the easy way to keep up on the cleaning of big snake's is new's paper a good idea will the INK in the paper not hurt the snake's? what type of bedding do you think would be the best ?


04-19-03, 07:33 AM
I kept burms for a while and used large bath towels, very easy to clean!

04-19-03, 10:59 AM
om i will give that a try any other's?

04-19-03, 11:31 AM
I keep mine on indoor/outdoor carpet. As long as you wash them in cold water with an anti-bacterial soap. Of course reptibark is fine too, if it ain't broke don't fix it lol

04-19-03, 12:30 PM
I dont like the bath towl Idea it leavev too much room for bactiria to form and no the ink wont hurt your snake at all I am trying the whole carpet idea to but like reverendsterlin said if it aint broke dont fix it your repti bark is great just monitor the cage alot and clean up any messes you findit is not to hard to keep up with

04-19-03, 01:08 PM
I am not a giant python keeper, but i keep all my snakes on either papertowels or Newsprint... Recently i have recieved a stack of printing paper which is basically newsprint that hasnt been printed on. So if you dont like the ink then this is perfect. I think that is what i am going to use from now on because it looks a lot nicer then newspaper and doesnt rub off on the snakes or anything.

04-19-03, 03:49 PM
LOL, another vote for newspaper, here. I have "a few" larger snakes, and I keep them all on newspaper. Easy to clean, cheap, and very easy to notice when the cage needs to be cleaned. Some substrates are hard to tell when the snakes just has urine. Might look like "welfare" cages...........lol. But the snakes don't seem to mind, and I know I don't. Let's see...........15 minutes to remove soiled newspaper, clean cage, and replace newspaper. 30+ to scoop out soiled substrate, clean cage, and replace substrate. Newspaper wins every time, easier, cheaper, cleaner.

04-19-03, 04:57 PM
one of our burms is being kept on cypress mulch in a 100G tank, the other is kept on news paper in a rubbermaid. Why the difference? one of them stopped feeding so we decided to try changing the husbandry to see if that helped. I hasn't made much of a difference, he's not feeding as often as I'd like but the rubbermaid's a temp enclosure until we build the replacements for them

04-19-03, 05:48 PM
i keep all my burms on newspaper and i have never had any problems.i have never had ink on my snakes i don't soak the paper so that is why i have no problems hope this helps.

04-19-03, 07:50 PM
I use Aspen chips but I going to be changing all my snakes over to bata chips next week.


04-19-03, 08:17 PM
The only snakes i have actually noticed the ink running off of and affecting how the snake looks is my brazilians, probably because of the humidity needed. But with the paper that hasnt yet been printed on this will not happen. I cant think of any problems that will come from using this...but i only started using it two days ago, so we will soon find out. I think the plain white newsprint also looks fairly decent (especially compared to newspaper). So far i recomend it.

04-19-03, 08:20 PM
Burmies where do you feed your burms?

04-19-03, 09:30 PM
Norman, where do you get unprinted newsprint from? I have been thinking of switching my herps to this (paper towels can get expensive), but have no idea where to start looking for it. Also, how much does it cost?


04-19-03, 10:10 PM
I was given all of the paper i have (a 2 foot stack of 3'x2' sheets) from a neighbour...she said it was packing paper and she was using it because she just moved. But once i run out of that then i plan to go to a place around here called flemming printing...i hear they have rolls there that are like 8 feet wide. i think a 4 foot roll will do for me though. But i think most printing places will be able to hook you up with one. Im sure there are other places you could get it from too but i havent really looked into it (since i already know of one suply...good 'nuff for me.)
hope i helped.

04-19-03, 10:32 PM
Vic, goto ww.rubbermaid.com to find out what one is

04-19-03, 11:26 PM
well my two big burm's are on newspaper so i think i will stick to that but my 7' foot Albino is on repti bark and does not like the new's paper he bunches it up in the corner all the time so alot of you guy's & girls said that repti bark is good too so i think he is stuck with that he seem'a to like it or maybe he just cant bunch it up as easy lol thank's for all the help

04-20-03, 06:20 AM

Thanks for the tip, I will try the local printing stores in my area.

Thats a good idea, but fish and chips are not popular nosh here in Toronto as in the UK. The takeout fish and chips I have had usually come in styrofoam boxes.

Oh, and rubbermaids is just a popular brand for plastic storage boxes here in North America. They are really good at maintaining humidity, are inexpensive, and easy to heat and clean. The only caveat is that they do not look very nice in a home; my home looks like the condo recycling/garbage room, lol.

Here is a pic of a human heating pad:


04-20-03, 07:18 AM
Hi Vic,

I would personally make a frame of some sort, or even 'feet' to raise your viv up a little, as there needs to be some airflow underneath the vivarium to prevent the blanket from overheating. I have not used pig blankets before, but I believe that if there is sharp pressure on it, it may damage the heat coils causing malfunction. Maybe someone with experience can give you more advice concerning this.

04-20-03, 08:51 AM
Having raised burms of all sizes, this is what I have used over the years.......

For babie sand juveniles I use cypress mulch or Aspen shavings.

For adults I use either newpaper or a product call Kraft paper. Now I prefer the Kraft paper because it is thicker than newspaper and contains no inks, it is also more absorbant and has a raised pattern on it to assist the snake in moving around the cage unlike newspaper that is smooth and makes it difficult for the snake to get a grip with its belly scales.

You can find the Kraft paper at this site...


It is relatively inexpensive and come in 300 yeard rolls in widths of 12", 24", and larger.

04-20-03, 08:36 PM
I use repti bark for my burm currently and it works great. but i will soon be swiching to newspaper when i have to build her final cage. but i would stick with the repti bark if you have the money.

04-21-03, 10:09 AM
well the repti bark does not cost me to much as a friend of mine work's at a pet shop and get's that kind of stuff at cost so it cost me about $14.50 for a huge bag that does my cage's a few time's and my cage is 8' L x 4' H x 4' W so i guess a cage that big would be big buck's to fill with repti bark but getting it at cost make's it worth it and they seem to like the repti bark alot so i guess if my friend queit's or get's fired i will be doing the paper thank's again for all the help

04-21-03, 08:41 PM
I use Cypress Mulch. It is cheap and holds moisture well. (Better than than news paper) Plus newspaper goes in the trash. The mulch gets spread around my pond. (just my .02)- Tom F