View Full Version : I'm coming to Alberta!!!

04-19-03, 12:23 AM
Man, what a year! First off, living in Winnipeg doesn't allow one the best concert opportunities in the world. We seem to only get the BIG names and the SMALL names. So having a favorite artist such as Elvis Costello puts me in a bit of a bind. Basically, he's NEVER going to play in Winnipeg... EVER! So in 2002 I made the trip to see him play in Minneapolis twice and got to meet him both times. The best concert experiences I've ever had.

Now to get to the good part, I just checked his web page and Elvis Costello is playing in Edmonton on July 23rd and in Calgary on the 24th! So that means two Costello concerts in two days and 4 in less than a year. I am soooo pumped!

And maybe I'll even get to pick up a few snakes while I'm out west. :)

Anyway, thanks for humoring me during this little rant, but I was just too excited not to tell somebody.

04-19-03, 01:23 AM
Congrats and

04-19-03, 02:29 PM
Great to hear another list member is coming to Alberta. Maybe you will have some herps for sale at the same time as you are looking to pick some up. Make sure you keep us up to date on what you might be looking for and we might be able to find you some good deals.

mary v.

Big Mike
04-21-03, 08:57 AM
Don't you get to watch The Guess Who...like every other week. lol

Have fun

04-21-03, 11:37 AM
Actually, only every third Saturday... ;)

04-22-03, 12:12 AM
lol i think the music scene is better in winnepeg, from when i was down that way....