View Full Version : Big snakes get big.. lol
It hit me today .. as I was holding our large 17 PLUS foot 3 year old retic.. 165 pounds alone .. (with keepers close by) ..
DAmm thesesnake get big.. lol - I still can't beleive their strengh. MY legs werespread out in order to keep my balance.. still can never get enough of the sheer power.. As i let him go back in his cage, he climbed on a high branch and and use me as a balance and held on tight .. man .. I has every muscle tight on my body ..
Fun times.. best of luck to all who own retics.. theres some really brave ppl out there.. and some no so smart ones lol :)
OH YEHA I got pics.. just waitting for my buddy to send em over.. Ill post as soon as i get em..
I got the pics man! He doesn't have your email addy. Here ya go:
04-19-03, 04:28 AM
Gorgeous retic!! Man, she's a giant!
Makes you look like a little
04-19-03, 01:47 PM
:cool: wow very nice big retic,,hey whats the little prey item its wraped around...LOL!!! J/K!!:cool: :D
04-20-03, 10:18 AM
wow thats an amazing BIG snake :)
that is one kick### snake... really love that pic.. but isn't she a bit thick for a retic???
04-21-03, 03:03 PM
hey since the name of this thread is a good topic we should get some links of the bigest retics,burms,rocks that we have ever seen either in real life or on the net
Its not a "she" its a "He". Hunter is one big mo fo I tell ya!
o sorry lol... but isn't he a bit fat or is that normal?? I allways thought retics were kinda slender...
04-21-03, 03:56 PM
OUCH! HE'S HYOOOGE! Wow! And I thought that my two foot, 1 inch thick cornsnake was huge! Wow! Congrats and keep posting photos!
04-21-03, 04:12 PM
nice pic man. i would like a retic but all i need is some money! :)
04-21-03, 04:21 PM
Nice Retic.
lol did not think ppl would enjoy that pic so much
Bazzy Boy .. Hunter is a Female.. she was beleived to be a boy for the longest time but I garantee u she is a female.. size and the lack of spurs.. (although she still has not been probed...)
Steeve B
04-21-03, 06:09 PM
How can you not love such beauty, very nice photo Dom where was it taken I never seen these exhibits, is it public?
04-21-03, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by skin78
o sorry lol... but isn't he a bit fat or is that normal?? I allways thought retics were kinda slender...
No. That is right for a Retic. Retics are slender next to a Burm. A burm the same length could and should be larger in girth.
That is one awsome Retic. Gotta love them.
Steeve: Thats the zoo i work at.. its the largest canadian reptile zoo .. about 100 animals on display and about 350 animsl in total .. Nice little place to work at..
Steeve B
04-21-03, 10:10 PM
are you sirious! man I need to get out some times, was this zoo operated by the late Tomas Huff? or is it related to him, I have talked to this man for years and every time he kept telling me about his reptiles zoo, man do I ever regret not going and visit.
talk soon cheers
I'm serious bro .. its a private zoo own by Paul and Sheri Goulet.. .. the website is all wrong and being redesigned right now.. its really crapppy but its got the info u need mate..
Steeve B
04-21-03, 10:51 PM
thanks I will stop by this summer and say hello, give my regards to Paul and Sheri tell em if they got thos gators in Canada they are my babies. Cheers
he dom I went to that link.. and saw a green annaconda.. could you please make some more pics of that animal and give some info about him/her like size weight karakter..
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