View Full Version : Can't Wait!

Herp Lover
04-18-03, 12:53 PM
Tommorow i am going to pic up 2 t's:
1 Psalmopoeus irminia 1/2" for Blackwidow69
1 Brachypelma vagans 1/2" for me!
I cant wait untill tommorow!
Blackwido69, i know you will also have a hard time waiting as well! lol!

James :W :D :)

04-18-03, 02:34 PM
:D :cool: :p Your darn right il have a hard time waitting hehehe!! doing cart wheels, jumping for joy, ooops fell down on my bum bum,, ouch...LOL!!!!!!:D Hey james those mexican red rumps are awsome T's, very pretty.. You have good taste in T's bud.. Maybe when i do get down there il bring you something..;) You like ball pythons???

Herp Lover
04-18-03, 03:41 PM
Yeah, i do judge t's alot, it takes me FOREVER to pick one out! Sometimes i just wish i can get EVERY T ALIVE! (but that wont happen. lol) Yeah i also heard the red rumps are great t's, they also look very pretty! Ball pythons get a little to big, it would take tooo much room, if you have any dwarf snakes, or lizards that would be fine, but really its up to you, btw-thanks for the offer!


04-18-03, 03:56 PM
:cool: ;) No prob bud il see what i can do for yaz...;)

Herp Lover
04-18-03, 04:03 PM
Thanks! If you want we can chat on the phone, . I cant wait to meet you! Send me a PM of your number if you want, we can discuss when we can meet! And talk inverts/snakes/reps, ect.
