View Full Version : Leo Update

04-17-03, 11:42 PM
Hey, many of you guys may of remember a wile back when i adopted the sick leo and took him to the vet? well anyway i thought i would post some pics of him. he is 2 years old, and in good condition (considering the way he was treated befor. i am pretty shure he has lost his tail already before and he still has a few pink spots of his tail where the woonds are almost done healing. and i also have one question. i am relitivly new to leo. and i probly woulnt be if it wasent for this poor geco in the back of a pet-co all wonded and improperly cared for. i mean i am no experts on geco but i know when a geco is properly cared for or improperly cared for. well anyway... he wont eat mealworms and i dont know why. but he Loves crickets any reason? live or dead dosent matter he dosen care for them. is it he just dosent like them or something else. well anyways here are the pics


what a cute leo


I love this one (i dont usaly use this word but he is SO SO CUTE!!)


and there is his tail

04-18-03, 06:52 AM
Cool! he looks great! Kudos to you for taking him in. Some leos prefer mealies, some prefer crix, it doesn't really matter which you feed as long as they are well gutloaded. It looks like he only lost a tiny bit of his tail. Otherwise he looks really healthy and I'm sure he will only get better. As for the care of these guys, check out The Leopard Gecko Manual. Search for that title on amazon, it's about 8 bucks. Also I'm writing a care sheet to go with my babies when they hatch. If you'd like I can email you a copy. Just send me an email or a PM if you want one. Good luck with him. Read back through old posts for some interesting info and don't hesitate to ask any new questions you may have.

Tim and Julie B
04-19-03, 01:29 AM
Wow, he looks very happy and healthy. Good job! Some of my leos really like crix and some really like mealies, but none of them will really eat both, so I guess it just depends on the leo. It's probably because they smell different so some geckos won't eat them. Have you tried frozen, thawed pinkies? The male leos seem to like them the most, but only give them as treats once every couple of months. Good luck with your rescued pet. You seem to have everything under control.:D:D:D:D

04-19-03, 01:41 AM
Nice leo, Mike. He looks kinda like my male, Neo. Leos are just like people in that they have different tastes in food. Some will only eat a certain thing, while others will eat a variety. I offer a variety and mine usually switch off and on to what they like (mealies, crix, supers, waxworms as treats, butterworms, roaches). They main thing is to remember to gut-load whatever you feed properly and use good supplements 2 or 3 times a week. Good luck!

04-19-03, 05:06 PM
Incidentally a leo can only drop their tail at one point, and that's about smack dab in the middle. There is a special type of bone there that they can release from. If only the tip was lost then it was probably bitten off.

Hard to tell from the picture, but I can say that's definately the original tail (regrown ones don't have the little dent bits all down both sides) and I can almost see the wounds in the middle... if that's where the wounds are, he probably STARTED to drop his tail and it didn't come all the way off, or something. Keep a close eye on those wounds! That's an area that could harbor infection.

Beautiful leo, btw :) I love "normals".

04-20-03, 11:18 AM
Well my two leos (The cuteness and the cracker) love them both they hate the dried ones though but any ways... Um yeah

04-20-03, 03:03 PM
ya i have been using a cream i got from the vet to put on the woonds but i dont do it so much anymore cuz he is looking ALOT better

04-21-03, 06:54 AM
I'm with you Froglet! I love normals too!

04-21-03, 09:59 AM
leos are just picky with food, took my atlas a good month to start eating mealworms .. now she has no trouble eating crickets or mealworms.

04-22-03, 08:07 AM
He looks fine...I wouldnt worry too much. his tail is nice and chubby so he has some fat left in there :)

04-22-03, 07:32 PM
Ha those are really cool pictures. The one is really close to the camersa. that looks cool