View Full Version : HELP!!! sand in eye...

04-15-03, 06:46 PM
my plated lizard has got sand stuck under the top portion of his upper eye lid, and i cant get it out....

would putting him in a shallow tub of water help to get it out on its own...?????

suggestions....PLEASE!!!! :confused: :(

04-15-03, 07:07 PM
yes a bath would help so would a wet tip q-tip try the q-tip first make sure its wet go easy.

04-15-03, 07:09 PM
thank you...ill try it right away

04-15-03, 07:33 PM
qtip didnt work...cant keep his eye open....any other ides?????

04-16-03, 12:03 AM
If you have a small syringe and a helping pair of hands to stabilize your plated, you may be able to flush out the lodged particles of sand with water jetting from the syringe... That would be about my best advice on the given situation. The Q-tip method may cause more harm then good, possibly scratching the lense of the eye, and causing futher damage as the sand is pushed across the eye, should you be able to dislodge it.
Anyhow, best of luck, and be gentle... Plated aren't too happy to have their head/neck fussed w/ , let alone their eyes.

04-16-03, 12:09 AM
just hope it comes out. i would get some eye meds for the little guy. ecpacailly if it's been there for an hour or more

04-16-03, 01:17 AM
try fake tear it will get it out i had that same problem and it worked on my lizard you can get fake tear at ant drug store
good luck

04-16-03, 04:08 AM
There's a product called Eye Stream (or other similar brand names) that is a sterile saline eyewash. It's safer than tap water or eyedrops with lots of preservatives if the lizard's cornea has been scratched.

04-16-03, 05:23 AM
thanks guys... im a nurseing student so im going to bring home a few syringes today and see if i can find the "eye stream" stuff at the drug store... thanks so much...wish me luck... if it doesnt work i gotta see if i can find a vet here that works with reps...

04-16-03, 10:23 AM
Got it out!!! i picked up a bottle of sterile water and a 5ml syringe, did a flush with 4 mls and it came out....Thank god. i was kinda getting woried that i couldnt get it out...but it worked...Thanks guys.

04-16-03, 11:50 AM
Hooray!!! Good to hear, thanks for the update.

04-16-03, 06:28 PM
No worries... Hey, now ya know, and may pass that information/method to others in the future.
Take care.

04-24-03, 03:27 PM
All i can say is to give it a bath and try to flush its eye out (im sure youve treid that.... o well)