View Full Version : Rehashing the Saddle and Scale Counts...

04-15-03, 10:31 AM
Yes, I hear the collective groan...how many times have people asked about this? LoL...But here we go...

If I recall correctly, for BCI's it's 21+ saddles, pre-vent, and BCC is <21, right?...Now this thoroughly confuses me, as it can't possibly be an accurate method of telling the 2 apart...my (obvious) BCI has only 20 saddles before the vent...is he just an exceptionally unattractive BCC? LoL

What I really want to know is if anyone knows the actual scale counts for these guys...or if anyone knows of a place to find out what the scale counts might be...I REALLY REALLY want to do a scale count (for the fun of it) but it'll be pointless if I can't draw any conclusions from it...

04-15-03, 11:48 AM
Boa constrictor Imperator (BCI) have 253 ventral scales (or less) and a midbody scale count of 55-79. 21 or more dorsal blotches (saddles).


I think that saddle counts are not that accurate, my bci has <21 saddles (unless I am counting wrongly), but it is a good way to make an educated guess.

04-15-03, 12:12 PM
Thanks very much, Edwin! :D

04-15-03, 01:29 PM
Anytime, happy counting!!

04-15-03, 03:09 PM
Yes, saddle counts are becoming a less effective way to tell the difference. There are breeders out there that are trying to breed bci with much lower saddle counts.

04-25-03, 08:03 PM
the best boa page ever. they know their sh*t