View Full Version : Pac man crocking (no joke)

04-14-03, 05:07 PM
Hey I have a mid sized ornate horned frog and the last couple nights we've heard a unfamilier sound coming from the pac man's area but we also had 4 whites in the same area of the room so we passed it off as a white's making a funny noise today as my girlfriend was cleaning out the pac man He made the noise and continued making the noise till he got comfortable in his new bedding.
What is going on I have never heard of a pac man making noises unless given hormon injection for breeding

04-14-03, 05:11 PM
In my experience, pacmen sing very often. Don't worry...he should be alright :)

04-14-03, 05:13 PM
I hear our Pac Man's chirping every once in awhile & we certainly don't inject them. No cause for worry.


04-14-03, 09:50 PM
When we had pac man frogs they 'honked' constantly through the evening and early morning all summer long. They would chat occasionally at other times too - I think it is the males who are vocal - enjoy!

mary v.

04-14-03, 11:39 PM
Yep, you've got yourself a boy and a fairly happy one at that. Congrats. My Captain Crunch sounded so much like a goose it wasn't funny. Man, I loved that frog, too bad he only lived for 26 years.

Tim and Julie B
04-14-03, 11:48 PM
My friend has a Mountain Chicken Frog or Dominican Rep. bullfrog. We were watching TV and we heard this strange noise. We went to the reptile room and opened the door. A loud Jabba the Hutt laugh came from the room. We flipped on the light and the frog was all inflated. That was truly the wierdest noise I have ever heard from a reptile ( ya ya amphibian).

04-16-03, 10:58 PM
LOL I LOVE that sound! That is the reason I fell so in love with my little guy :) Sounds like a mix between a goose and something getting all the air quickly abruptly squeezed out of it :p Only males are vocal, I find my guy to make most of his honking in the middle of the night (so much for being diurnal :confused: ). I catch him going off usually once a night. No worries, as everyone has already stated, this is perfectly normal - no injections required :eek:

04-20-03, 10:12 AM
:cool: :D My little male ornate calls every night, the sound he makes is very wierd and he also makes screching noises when i mist him and he jumps at the water as im spraying.. hes a real funny guy...:D ;) You should here the male giant african pixie frogs call at night. sounds like we got cows in the house.. they are very loud...

05-15-03, 10:22 AM
I would have thought they would make a deeper noise then what they do, It doesn't suit there body shape. Its like a Huge 7 foot fat guy with a high girly voice to me.