View Full Version : cruelty

04-14-03, 03:16 PM
I think it is cruel when my parents say no more snakes i mean i only have two and they don't get very big, but i keep trying to get that one more snake. Because i need another snake they just don't understand........ Yet!:rolleyes: Its so anoying how people who don't have snakes ask you why you want another snake, their are just to many reasons to list. If snakes are a religion then my parents are aparently non belivers! :p

04-14-03, 03:20 PM
i dont think so. i thihnk you should be happy you have one. If they said yes, most kids would have too many to care for. And i dont really think anyone needs another snake, its just nice to have them. Im happy with my three now, and wont get anymore until college. If anything I may get a leo but then that would be it.

04-14-03, 03:28 PM
I really do love my snakes i didn't mean to sound like i don't! But i love gaining expirience with different species of snakes. I just really love the snakes i have and would like to get more beautiful snakes to care for.

04-14-03, 03:35 PM
I didn't mean to name the post cruelty i was going to call it somthing else but forgot to change it. I hate it when i come across as ungratful, i don't mean to be, i love my to snakes and wouldn't trade them for a million other snakes.

04-14-03, 03:37 PM
I totaly hear you on that man I am allwas looking for a new snake forget snakeman87 ever posted that he feals the same way just wont admit it any long term herper will tell you he has a empty cage at home yet when he buy's the snake he buy's another cage to just so he has a reason to go and get another snake later ''well I have an empty cage and tomany rats I know how to fix that problem'' lol

04-14-03, 03:40 PM
I don't know how old you are, but if you are still living with your parents, that is just the way it goes. It is their house, after all. When you move out and buy your own house and are paying all the bills and supplying all the groceries, clothes, etc, then you can have all the snakes you want. (see where I am going with this?). I have 4 kids, and I am constantly being asked for this, that and the other thing. Of course, the things they want this week are completely different from what they wanted last week.

So, just be grateful that your parents have allowed you to have the pets you do. Most parents would not have let you have ANY snakes!

04-14-03, 03:49 PM
I agree with you to the fullest.


04-14-03, 06:27 PM
Don't worry about it, man. It's an addiction! My parents told me I couldn't have any more reptiles after my third snake, and look at me now... I have 5 and I'm getting 2 more within the next 2 weeks :p! A little while ago my mom told me I couldn't have any over 5' long, hahaha. But I got my burm after that rule was made! It's really funny, actually... I'm sure you'll be okay with a little convincing, and if begging works go for that approach :D. Good luck :)

Bryce Masuk
04-14-03, 10:30 PM
Did they give you a reason why you couldnt have anymore?

Tim and Julie B
04-14-03, 11:07 PM
RachelS you are a bad girl! But that is so funny!

Fateamber don't worry about it I'm now 27 and my mom still doesn't understand. Of course you could claim your new love for Scorpions and leave a few computer print outs around. Snakes might not seem that bad. But you didn't hear it from me.

Hey who's your favorite soccer (football) team? Go Newcastle!
Gibbon rules. He's definately the next in line for England's keeper.

04-14-03, 11:12 PM
Just wait until you're on your own...I went from one snake to eight within a year, and five more (plus one Pug) are coming this summer!

- Victoria :w

04-14-03, 11:22 PM
I spent the first almost 15 years of my herp addiction having all my herps live with Grandpa because my family just didn't get it. I had mice, gerbils, and fish at home but no frogs, snakes or lizards were allowed.

Then I got married and hubby didn't want any snakes or lizards, and just put up with my frogs because I was paid by the vet hospital to rehab them at home. I didn't keep any personal pet herps the whole time I was married.

So believe me, I know how frustrating family can be when they come between you and your herp addiction. Be careful that you don't go nuts when you are out on your own as it's very easy to do and you end up with scaly friends everywhere you look while all your clothes are years out of style. ;)

04-15-03, 04:00 AM
My parents gave me no reson why i can't have any more snakes they just keep saying "no more snakes in this house" (they keep trying to convince me to move house, but then my dad says i would have to keep them outside if we moved house and i don't want to do that), its really quite strange when they were the ones who sugested i get a snake in the first place.

04-15-03, 05:12 AM
I have only one snake....AND THE AMOUNT OF BEGGING I DID WAS UNBELIEVEABLE!! when i finally did get my snake i was over the moon, im currently hinting i would like another one. But i think if i didnt get another one i wouldnt be too gutted.Count your blessings people, u'll be surprised how many there are!

04-15-03, 05:25 AM
Haha it sounds to me like your parents created a monster of a problem by suggesting something to occupy you that was really a passion in disguise :)

I hope all works out and that while you live with them that you can work together to mainatin some level of herp sanity!


Bryce Masuk
04-15-03, 06:07 PM
ask them why they said no so you can directly attack the problem and explain why it actually isnt a problem

04-16-03, 11:49 AM
Ok i will try that, at the moment i'm trying to tell them i am getting another snake istead of asking them so they can't say no really, not the best tactic but they havn't directly said no yet. :sun:

04-16-03, 11:53 AM
i feel your pain man....

04-16-03, 12:18 PM
I'm almost 25, live 1000 miles away from my parents and they still have issues that my fiancé and I have snakes. Snakes just wig them out. My mother keeps saying that those who have snakes do it to boost a God-like complex; she thinks we get a power trip when we feed/watch our snakes eat live rats. (Please no comment on live food- we're in the process of switching to frozen.) I think she was watching too much Oprah or something.

Unfortunately parents are allowed to fight dirty by throwing in the comment "while you live under our roof...." Just be happy with the little friends that you've got. I think it's easier to appreciate what you have than be forced to get rid of an extra friend that you get quickly attached to. Good luck!

04-16-03, 04:36 PM
My mom too gets freaked out by snakes, but she also gets freaked out by rodents. should be interesting the next time we have the family over for a holiday dinner, as we have both.

Bryce Masuk
04-16-03, 04:52 PM
my mom likes all animals she said i can have as many as i want as long as i can afford to feed and cage them. snakes arnt her thing really she likes furry animals more...