View Full Version : thermos etc, etc.
I need a few tips!
This is what I have so far for my new crested gecko cage:
High range reptile thermometer ( zoomed),
another thermometer (exoterra),
Hygrometer (exoterra).
What else would you recomend that I should put in the cage?
I remember reading that some person on this sight bought a digital therm from Radio Shack...should I get on of those istead?
I just want to make sure that my future cresties will be in the best conditons possible and happy.
Any help would be great.
04-14-03, 03:07 PM
Some people (like me) have lamps (black lights) for their cresties...although it isn't really necessary, it just provides extra heat if needed....besides that, subtrate and stuff to climb on, you seem set! :D
good luck, have fun
04-15-03, 11:54 PM
Throw away those terrible zoomeh and exo-terrible thermometers. If you actually want to know what the temperature is inside your enclosure, purchase a digital thermometer... They sell for approx. $30 a reptile or even hardware stores, and normally come w/ a little temperature probe so you can take readings of various locations inside the enclosure. They tend to be much more precise than those flimsy plastic and metal thermometers that are on the market, that actually give a 'range' rather than the actual temperature.
I'm not sure if you're into breeding these Cresties, but if you are NOT, I could suggest adding some live plants (pothos & other tropicals) to the enclosure, along w/ some of the exo-terra jungle vine and some background... That should spiff up the tank quite nicely... Live plants can be somewhat of a hinderance when egg laying comes around, if you are breeding.
Umm... Aside from that, a normal flourescent fixture will suffice for normal display viewing purposes... Or you could get totally freaking wacky and use a "black light" like Heather ^ mentioned... Just how good could that be for the animals I wonder... *hmmm*... lol joking Heather... Relax please...please...??
I'm not sure if Heather meant a blacklight, or an infrared nightlight... but, yes if your house gets moderately cool at night, creeping down into the low 60's F, then you may want to outfit the tank w/ a 50w (or smaller if the cage is smaller than a 25 gallon) infrared lamp, or a heating pad if your gecko(s ) happen to frequent the substrate...
Wow... I'm maxxed out on ideas now. Hope something there helped you out Jazzey. Have fun.
So I will toss out those thermometers because i all so heard those suck! Now my other question is do u leave the digital therms in the tank? Just wondering, and sorry if that's a dumb question?.
I do not have a cresti as of yet because I just got my cage a few days ago (sigh) and just started setting the cage up before I track down a crested gecko that's for sale. All so sorry Scott for not getting a hold of u earlier when u had one for sale.
I just bought some live potho plants today as well as the exo-terra vines and yes they do rock! The background will be a little tricky because my custom tank is about 75 gal. so finding one that will fit for a tank that size will be a little hard.
I bought a infrared nightlight for the tank but the people at the petstore told me ta buy a 100W i'm wondering if I they told me some b.s or not? Now take in mind my tank is 75gal...or should I take the bulb back and down grade 2 a 50Watt? All so the red is sort of driving me nuts so Heather would u recomend a black? All so I was told that a heating pad is not really needed so how many crested lovers have one in their tank?
Yes, Katonic u have helped and i am so sorry for the novel.
Any other ideas or questions u all have please ask...thanks.
Bryce Masuk
04-16-03, 08:32 PM
how hot is the room at night and the day cresties dont need heat a 100w bulb will fry them they shouldnt be kept over 85 degrees it will KILL them since your in b.c. you might want to get ahold of beth wallbank if you cant find a crestie on the island she sells great animals in great health i have delt with her before and cant recamend her enough
04-16-03, 09:29 PM about 'no one listen to me ever again' lol....I have some serious crestie problems right now, most likely caused by lighting. The "black" light, might not be giving off enough uva or uvb rays for the crested to absorb the calcium and vitamin d3...(all I can say is 'duh', because it's the same with us, we need sunlight to absorb vitamin D.)
Anyway, I've contacted a vet and things should be ok, it'll just cost about 47, 456, 435 $. :P But I've got no problem with it ;)
Jazzey, several sources recommended the black light (you know, the purpley bulbs, available at petstores :P ) because they're nocturnal and it offers them a bit of heat without blasting them with bright light at night......
MY vet says that a 'reptisun 5.0' or an 'Iguana light" (brands) would be best for mine as it will emit the proper uv rays...they're fluorescent, and don't screw in like regular bulbs so you need a ballast.
*flicks Katatonic in the ear when he isn't looking*
Hope I helped ...though I might have only further confused you...:D
04-17-03, 12:10 AM
OI... What a jumbled confusion this thread has become... Where to start, where to start...
Okay, we were on the topic of a 100W bulb in a 75 gallon tank somewhere: As Bryce has already stated, most likely that bulb WILL be too damned warm for your cresty... Keep in mind these animals needn't have temperatures extend far into the 80's (if at all)... If you've read any reputable sources on cresteds, extended periods in the 80's can cause serious problems. So long as you have a temperature gradient, you will be fine. Be certain though, that the OVERALL/ambient air temperature is in the low 70's even. I can get you precise ranges... My crested bible is kickin around here somewheres, but it's too damned late to shuffle around for it.
Next, your question regarding leaving the temperature probe inside the enclosure. You MAY leave it inside the enclosure if you like... They're great to leave in there since you can always just take a brisk walk by the cage, glance at the temperature and instantly know whether things are hospitable for your cresty. The probe consist of a small display giving the temperature reading, while the probe is attached to the unit via wire, approximately 2 feet long. If you don't exactly want an unsightly wire hanging inside your spiffy new cage, it shouldn't be a big deal to take a reading on a couple seperate occassions throughout the day. It was a warranted question, and please don't worry... I've probably heard them all... "Mr... Why aren't those snakes w/ the mommy snake?? Don't they need her milk??"... Really, no bother.
On the topic of the supernova infrared bulb, take that **** back if it's bothering you to that extent. Exchange for a 75W exo-terra BLUE 'moonlight', and that should raise your temperatures to sufficient levels. They also simulate natural u.v. rays prevalent in moonlight which is about the only light a crested gecko would naturally be exposed to in the wild. They stimulate feeding and other behaviours *breeding* :D And your room won't be like that Seinfeld episode when the Kenny Rogers Roasters opened up across the street from Kramer.... Yea... Seinfeld metaphor; cheezy, but it works.
*Hey, look over there!!* *flicks Heather as she turns around foolishly* :D Tricked ya.
Heating pads MAY be used, it does depend more on the individual crested... Obviously if your animal prefers to roost up on a limb somewhere near the screen lid, a heating pad may not be the most beneficial purchase in the books. If the animal comes down and buries itself under the mulch during the day, it can't exactly hurt to place a small one under the enclosure.
04-17-03, 12:22 AM
Heh... Jazzey... You apologized for your "novel" of a post... Geez... Have ya read mine???!!
Punkupornstar: I'm curious here... You've got a fully nocturnal species, the crested gecko, which comes from the cool, darker, densely forested regions of New Caledonia, where it conceals itself under bark, leaf litter and broad leaved plants until nightfall... And your "vetrinarian" recommends a line of bulb specifically designed for an avid basking species, the green iguana which spends unaccountable hours in the sun per day, inhabiting clearings and sparsely forested areas perching on treelimbs to soak up ultra-violet for metabolism. What type of animals does he/she regularly deal with??
G'nite Heather.
04-17-03, 06:26 AM
And your room won't be like that Seinfeld episode when the Kenny Rogers Roasters opened up across the street from Kramer....
I just had to reply because this is the coolest reference to Seinfeld ever, aAHahaAh! *Has a greater respect for Katatonic now*
Hey Heather, do you mean you're going to spend that much money at the vet or on the light stuff you have to buy? Sorry, just a little confused...
Have a good day!
I'm using a 120G(2x2x4T) tank for my crested and I'm getting great heat off a 60W house bulb on a dimmer. The top is around 75F-79F nad the bottom stays around 63F. I also run UV but only becuase i have some really big plants in my tank and they can get no natural sunlight. I also turn off all the heat at night and let the tank to go down to the low 60's and sometimes high 50'sF
a 'reptisun 5.0' or an 'Iguana light" (brands) would be best for mine as it will emit the proper uv rays...they're fluorescent, and don't screw in like regular bulbs so you need a ballast.
O.k I all ready have one of those in my tank :)
All so I may be a few hours away from having my first crested gecko....just sitting by the phone for scott.:D
Second Katatonic the Seinfeld coment was GREAT! hehehehe.
I am for sure going to take that pesky light back and get a lower voltage because I don't wont ta fry my future gecko...or any gecko for that matter.
Third I will never, ever buy any product from a pet store with out coming here first and asking u guys...because people at pet stores are only out for a quick $ and don't care if they sell ****or not...well, most of them any ways.
thanks all and if any of u think of something else let me know,
04-17-03, 11:43 AM
Good morning... Afternoon, whatever...
I'm glad that you all enjoyed the Seinfeld comment, it makes me happy to see you all happy. lol
I feel even better for having helped you out Jazzey, and I hope all goes well with your new addition when you recieve him or her.
Remember, not all pet stores are just out there to make a quick buck, but take every ounce of information you recieve from an employee with a grain of salt, especially if they are paid on commission. Don't be overly hasty to snatch up that product that they profess is the greatest thing to herps since... water. Not every store is terrible... Just be skeptical.
Ladies and gents, it's been great. Take it easy!!
04-17-03, 02:58 PM
Katatonic: *flick* because they're nocturnal, I got from several sources that a black light ("moon light") was the best thing...
lol this "veterinarian" is the exotics (listed as 'reptiles and amphibians') vet @ the animal hospital in ottawa...everyone loves him, he's very recommended. You make a good point, and I'll bring it up. :)
I described my gecko's symptoms, answered some questions...the best he could say on the phone was 'metabolic bone disease'..., and the cause is the not absorbing the calcium and vitamin D because of the light.
I haven't bought anything yet..., I'm supposed to get liquid calcium (and to administer 2 drops a day) and a new light, which I will as soon as I can...unless something comes up when I bring up the points you've made when I bring Murdoch to the vet on Saturday. He also recommended a higher daytime temp (78 instead of my usual 76)
Kate: That pretty sum is just for the vet.....:P. 60$ for the appointment, 90$ for an x-ray if we need one. He said to plan for 150$-250$...wonder how much I can get for my kidney :P
04-17-03, 03:42 PM
Heather ask if he can tell whether he's a he or a she...
Oh I thought you were saying the vet was going to cost 400 bucks, I was confused
*Gives Heather her kidney to sell on the market*
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