View Full Version : 45 gallon long...

04-14-03, 09:35 AM
What could I put in a 45 gallon long? My friend has a 45G long with a heat pad, and UV light hood, and glass top, but I want to put in a screen top instead (the glass doesn't fight perfectly, and some things could escape easily...) Forget the exact dimensions, but something like 4ft long, 16" high, and 10" wide or something...

So... Any ideas on what I could throw in there? I was thinking of splitting it in half, and putting in a 1.2 pair of emperor scorps on one side, and some lizards on the other. I was especially looking for something that could be mixed with other lizards.

Like maybe anoles, long taileds, and house geckos I was told would work, as their temps/humidity/etc. is about the same, and they are not very aggressive at all, and seem to do fine with eachother.

I know mixing is not a great idea, but this is a nice tank, and I think a few different species would look REALLY nice with some bamboo, live moss, and pothos planted in there.
Any help would be great!

04-14-03, 02:22 PM
Day geckos, crested geckos or gargoyle geckos are the ones that come to mind. If you know that mixing species isn't a good idea then why even think about it? If you want different looking lizards together then get different crested morphs! If I can think of any other reptiles I'll post em...

04-14-03, 06:06 PM
Unfortunately, I do not have much money, and I think cresteds and gargoyles might be a bit out of my range, but I have been eyeing a gargoyle 1.2 group, and I might just treat myself...

I mean I know its not ideal to mix species, not its not a good idea...

Thanks for the suggestions! I forgot all about day gex!
Dan Conner

04-14-03, 06:46 PM
maby some toky gecos? i think they are very extrodenary anamals

04-15-03, 12:19 PM
flying geckos (ptychozoon kuhli) would be great for a setup like that.They're quite hardy once they become established but they need a well planted enclosure and high humidity. They tend to be really inexpensive if you can find some.
Good luck :)

04-15-03, 12:29 PM
I personaly dont mix species to gether but I hve ben told that if you would want to mix put the same locals together and not somthing that eats each other like emerad tree boa and a bci they boath from the same local althow I wold not do it but somthing in that kind of prospect you get the point.

p.s I used snakes cause I dont know much about lizards and did not want to make a fool of my self