View Full Version : new toads

06-04-02, 09:43 AM
hey guys,

just wanted to share a pic. Got some fire belly toads last week for the upcoming show season (the kids love the colours)

i love the colours too!

if anyone has ever kept them before, Im looking for interesting setup ideas


06-04-02, 09:44 AM
heres the pic

06-04-02, 10:02 AM
WOW!!!! great coloring indeed!!! how much do those sell for Matt??? ive been looking into making a terrarium for some time now and those toads look incredible!!! :) :) :)

06-04-02, 03:17 PM
thats the best part of 'em Jeff
I got them from PCPC for $7.99 each.

I love setting up heavily planted terrariums...and these guys look great and they are so cheap....cant go wrong!!!! :)

06-04-02, 05:24 PM
i had one of those and he lived for 8 years...but all animals in my house live way longer than they normally should.
good luck with the terrarium!

06-04-02, 06:52 PM
Wow... is it me or is that one an exceptionally bright fire belly toad? Ive seen those lil guys 1001 times and I do not recall them being THAT brilliantly coloured. :sun:

06-04-02, 09:25 PM
I used to have 4 fire bellied toads too .. two were as bright and two were much darker in color..

I had a 33 gallon set up with a huge rock (5 inches high - flat) and water all around ... I had set up a filter on a side and drit over the rock and filter .. added many branches, plants and all.. it was a great set up .. I even had some fish and cray fish in there .. I loved it! But I found it a bit smelly - alwasy seemed to have filtering problems .. damm crickets seemed to always drown in the water .. some were eaten byt the gold fish though .. it was hard to keep clean..

I had some sand and pebbles as substrate.

One of the toads had a broken hind legs when I got her .. I had decided to keep her instead of bringning her back for na exchange .. She could not walkl or jump properly at alll .. she always end up twisting on her side .. I had to help her hunt .. possion her in front of the crickets .. It was fun .. she recovered great ..

Those are fun guys to have .. best of luck..

BTW I got riped off ... mine cost 8.99$ each!

Take care

06-05-02, 10:53 AM
thanks for the ideas on the setup....I'll take a pic of it when im done.

you have to try not to overpay for these things dude - $8.99 ouch
just jokin' :)

thanks guys

06-21-02, 11:01 PM
theyre 14.99$ here!

06-22-02, 06:36 AM
Np Matt .. I hate it when I get ripped off!

show us some pics once u get them!


07-13-02, 03:44 PM
in calgary we have too many of them at pet land they are going for 2 for $10 and no matter what you do they well always that some sort of a stinky smell:confused:

08-06-02, 08:09 PM
I don't have that problem with them smelling I was lucky to find a small filter with a powerhead attached that cleans my water crystal clear.I have a small land area on the right hand side of the tank water in the middle and a waterfall on the lefthand side some bark and moss to add a nice touch.I'll try and get a pic soon


08-06-02, 09:06 PM
cool pic matt it almost looks like a muppet
everybody with terranium pics please post them i need ideas

08-06-02, 09:09 PM
p.s. i've heard that firebellies have a toxic secretion
does anyone keep thiers with anything else

08-06-02, 10:08 PM
You can keep them with Japanese Firebelly Newts. They also have a toxic secreation. I keep my Newts with my redear slider Under 4 inch. You can keep goldfish with them but they make a hellava mess. Another thing that is cool to add is ghost shrimp. For starters they just plaine look cool in the tank and when the toads get older they become feeders :) When ya get it set up be sure to post pics!

08-13-02, 07:40 PM
Here's mine

08-28-02, 11:09 PM
I keep my FB toads with my, tree frogs, FB newts, warty newts and one other frogs I have no idea what species it is!! Your not supposed to do that though!! I'm VERY lucky that none have died or even gotten injured!! I have them in a 20g tank for now. I'm going to either upgrade the whole tank or just switch them around to different tanks.