View Full Version : Psycho....

04-13-03, 06:28 PM
:D Pics of Psycho, my little boy is really growing fast..Hes in the blue so you cant really see how pretty his yellow patches are,, they look white in this pic..eeeeeeeee:cool:

04-13-03, 06:33 PM
:cool: And another.....Darn wish i could just get these pics in here bigger..:(

04-13-03, 06:50 PM
great pic very nice snake

04-13-03, 08:12 PM
looks like a nice setup too.

04-13-03, 10:46 PM
:cool: Cage - old black colored wood and glass stereo cabinet.. works great just modified it alittle...:D :D As soon as i can il get cage pics of all the diffrent cages i have...;)

04-14-03, 12:17 PM
Wow that snake is gorgeous!!! I love the name, too... perfect :p

04-14-03, 04:08 PM
Good looking snake. I have a carpet python of my own.


04-14-03, 07:17 PM
:cool: Hey Rachel, hes very sweet and it was really funny getting the pics i have no prob getting him out and he dont bite but when my girlfriend was trying to get better pics she was teasing him with a glove and something else to try to get the strike pose alittle better and sure enough when she turned her head he said he had enough and went for her but he didnt get her,,He didnt bite he just strikes without bitting..hes in deep blue so his yellow looks white.. when he sheds hes just awsome looking.. Never refused any food and is just a real cool snake to have...Psycho fits him good..hehehe!!!
:D :D

04-14-03, 07:21 PM
Very nice looking coastal :) Cage looks great too!

04-14-03, 07:43 PM
:cool: Psycho's parents were, dad- Jungle x diamond , mother was pure jungle carpet python, both parents had beautiful color and lots yellow..Both parents dog tame... Father 6ft ,mother alittle larger..:cool: All brothers and sisters of Psycho was handled daily including him...I think JCP's - jungle carpet pythons or even jungle x diamond cross are excellent snakes and with handling from day one tame right down..anyone wantting a tree python that cant afford a emerald or green tree should really give these wonderful snakes a go as they are nice... Just make sure you set them up with alot of tree branches and some fake plants and a good size water dish for soaking and drinking , mist them often as they rarely go to the ground other than to soak or drink, whats cool about him is he likes to just poo in one corner from the trees, he eats from the trees and sheds in the trees...:cool:

04-14-03, 08:55 PM
wow!! he's stunning...!:)