View Full Version : How many toads?

Baby "G"
04-13-03, 01:34 PM
Since no one has responded to my post in the amphibian forum on the topic, I thought I would post it here. How many fire bellied toads do you think we would be able to put in a 40 gallon tank? We have 3 right now (you can see pics of them in the amphibian forum if you want) and we would like to get at least 2 more to put in there with them.

Baby "G"

Tim and Julie B
04-13-03, 01:44 PM
Quite a few my friend had 100 in a 130 gallon! It was the most active and interesting display tank. Right in his living room. I found myself watching it more than the T.V. I think as long as there is enough land and water space that they aren't always running into each other. 20-25 would give lots of entertainment and provide them with enough room. Make sure you have a good lid!! Those suckers can climb. My friend didn't think it was needed and we were catching them everywhere.

04-13-03, 05:40 PM
Can't answer that question with out knowing the size of the toads.


Baby "G"
04-13-03, 06:10 PM
They are full grown fire bellied toads, probably close to 1.5"- 2" in length.

Baby "G"

04-13-03, 10:14 PM
Amphibians do best when not kept in large groups. They breathe through their skins as well as their nostrils and so they can take in a fair bit of carbon dioxide. A general rule of thumb is no less than 10 gallons of clean air space per amphibian if an inactive species, up to 40 gallons of clean air space for highly active ones. Glass tanks don't allow for enough fresh air exchange so it's more than just a matter of enough comfortable living space, it's also an air quality issue.

FBT's kept in large group enclosures tend to have significantly shortened lifespans.