View Full Version : Home made screen lid!
Baby "G"
04-13-03, 01:32 PM
This is what we did for a screen lid for our 40 gallon since we couldn't find one in the area, and to have one ordered would be about $60 canadian.
We built this one for $37 including tax.
We got all the supplies at Kents. We bought a window screen kit for a 36" x 36" window, and cut it to the size we needed. We also bought a pet door for screen doors that we can use to drop crickets in a lot easier, rather then taking off the whole screen.
Baby "G"
04-13-03, 01:33 PM
you did a nice job, how long did that take?
Baby "G"
04-13-03, 01:36 PM
About an hour to take all of the measurements and make all of the cuts, then put it all together.
Baby "G"
Pretty cool
we've done simialar with hardware cloth and melamine frames but we didn't cut the door, great idea.
04-13-03, 05:50 PM
Nice lids, what are they made of?
Baby "G"
04-13-03, 06:08 PM
The screen itself is made out of fiberglass, and the door is just plastic.
04-13-03, 07:12 PM
How are you keeping the lid secured to the tank? In other words, what is stopping the animal inside from pushing the lid off if it wanted to? (can't tell from the pic)
Baby "G"
04-13-03, 07:26 PM
The door for the crickets has a lock on it, and the screen itself is wedged in place in the lip of the tank. We are planning on getting pieces of velcro to attach it to the tank before we put our fire bellied toads in there.
04-15-03, 12:26 PM
did you get that small screen door at kent too? that is a really cool idea.... id like to do the same to mine...
04-15-03, 12:37 PM
Atlantic . . . me and Baby "G" (she is my g/f) did get the screen door at kents. It comes in 2 pieces (front and back) and all you have to do is put one on each side of the screen and snap them together. Then you take a knife and cut the screen on the inside of its frame. it was extremely simple to do.
04-15-03, 03:09 PM
exellent....thanks man... gotta get me one tomorrow!
Baby "G"
04-15-03, 03:18 PM
Yeah they're Pet doors for screen doors, and around here they run about $12 bucks plus tax, worth every penny.
Baby "G"
04-15-03, 03:27 PM
wow. V nice just like a cat flap!
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