View Full Version : naming your reptiles???

Bryce Masuk
04-12-03, 11:58 PM
Untill today i really hadnt thought of naming my reptiles 2 are named my leo bandit and my 50% het for albino ball python slinky
I figured i should name my jcp (female) my pair of southern pine snakes and my trio of veiled cham's anyone have some cool suggestions?

04-13-03, 12:02 AM
Hey, someone posted this on my website's forums. It's a great site for names!


04-13-03, 01:17 AM
Despite having as many serpents as we do, we have named almost all of them. Their enclosures are even labled with their names and I used to have their water dishes labeled with names too.

04-13-03, 02:29 AM
here is a cool name site that has thousands of names catorgarized for male and female names and also tells you what the names mean. pretty cool actually.


04-13-03, 09:00 AM
okay, I swear that I haven't seen this name anywhere around, but if you have a fat animal at home and its obiese ( spelling :( ), Then its name should be O-Beast :D so cleverrrrrrrrrrrrr....

04-13-03, 11:01 AM
I have to say that I can not give you any names, cuz if I give you a name then when I get a new snake I will not be able to use it myself.


04-13-03, 11:35 AM

04-13-03, 11:43 AM
thats a cool site for names, but i have already gotten all my names. I just named my tokay Cujo, the dog from steven kings book.

Bryce Masuk
04-14-03, 10:18 PM
thanks for all the good websites i just need to look up the names now

04-14-03, 11:04 PM
Sometimes if you pick something that reminds you of your reptile, or something you enjoy, you can look it up on a translator-dictionary thing in all kinds of different languages... You might come up with something appealing and more original!! Good luck with the search :) I still think "Gremlin" is by far the best name ever.. *thinks about what to name her cham... hmm...Gremlin, eh?* :)


04-14-03, 11:27 PM
Hee hee, I have the opposite problem sometimes. I think of a name that I find cute, and then have to go out and buy the herp that fits that name.

It's a good thing I take in rescues so I have an outlet for all my naming. I'm still saving the name Tonka for when I finally get my first tortoise though.

Here's yet another naming site I like:


Bryce Masuk
04-14-03, 11:33 PM
how about green gremlin heh

Tim and Julie B
04-14-03, 11:38 PM
eyespy I love that name! My box turtles are all named after WW2 tanks! Sherman, Valentine, Leopard, Panzer, Scout ( ok it's not a ww2 tank), Renult and Bertha (ok that's an anti air craft gun but she's huge). Other then my turtles and Spaz my basilisk. Nothing else is named.

04-15-03, 07:41 AM
Big Bertha wasn't an anti aircraft gun, it was a siege weapon. It fired shells bigger than most planes and probably one round every 15 minutes, hardly an effective AAA weapon ;)

But it's great to see another WWII buff!

04-15-03, 11:25 AM
I got a green iguana named Gizmo after a gremlin, does that count? :p

04-15-03, 11:30 AM
Oh no! I was burning a mix CD for my dad to play in his car and a line from All That Jazz has now triggered a strong desire to get another trio of garter snakes.

Sheba, Shimmy and Shake! As in "Oh, you're gonna see your Sheba shimmy shake.....oh, she's gonna shimmy till her garters break...."

04-15-03, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by J_Riley
Big Bertha wasn't an anti aircraft gun, it was a siege weapon. It fired shells bigger than most planes and probably one round every 15 minutes, hardly an effective AAA weapon ;)

But it's great to see another WWII buff!

Wasn't that the one that went like 30 miles and was shot off something that looked like a rail-car?