View Full Version : What is this?

Kyle Barker
04-12-03, 08:22 PM
Im curious what these guys are. They were labled as the long-tailed grass lizard, but because of the green sides I think they may be somthing else. Anyway any input would be great.
Thanks for looking,

04-12-03, 09:23 PM
Looks cool kyle, he has the LTGL face. Do you own that or what? I am also interested in finding out what the deal is with that. some kind of morph or something?

Kyle Barker
04-12-03, 10:07 PM
Ya i have a "pair". Not a definate pair but 2 that the guys says is a 1.1 but i NEVER listen to pet stores, so who knows. I have no idea how to sex them, so i will post some underparts/comparison pics of them. They are really neat and WAY more colourful than those pics show. Anyway i have a feeling it may just be in the same genus, or maybe even a sub-species, but im thinking i may get more (he has around 5 left).

04-12-03, 10:09 PM
who is it?
which petstore? worlds?

Tim and Julie B
04-12-03, 10:15 PM
I bet it is a sub species it's just to close in anatomy and structure. Man is it a little beauty! Good job. Buy the rest quick!!

04-12-03, 11:23 PM
HOW MUCH? WHERE? very neat... Probably a sub species of LTGL
Dan Conner

Kyle Barker
04-13-03, 01:45 AM
I am going to buy the rest i think. He is advertising them for 30 or 40, but im of course getting them way cheaper. Its a pet store up island, and the ones that jim carries look very different. Depending what the ratio turns out to be, i may sell a bunch of them (once i get at least a trio). Here are the pics i promised.
I beleive the one on the left is the girl???

here is a close up of the head scalation. Any ideas yet?

Here are teh underparts of both of them. I beleive the female is on the left and the male is on the right (if i had to say one was a girl and one was a boy)???

I will be spending a lot of time on the internet and looking in books to see if i can match it up with something, so if i find out ill post the name.


04-14-03, 08:29 PM
Those are super cool.....we have a little normal longtailed.....I want a couple of those......let me know if the store has any left when you're through!!!

04-16-03, 12:08 AM
Those are two male Long-tailed grass lizards. Female are typically smaller, and have much less colouration laterally, and dorsally. Enjoy.

04-17-03, 03:27 PM
those are cool Kyle!
Congrats on the find.

04-17-03, 04:37 PM
rainbow lizard. i saw a few in a store here labeled as that.