View Full Version : Density vs

Baby "G"
04-12-03, 07:14 PM
Hey everybody!!
We just recently got a 40 gallon for our fire belly toads, and I was wondering how many toads would be good to go in there. We have 3 already, but we were thinking about getting a couple more.

Baby "G"
04-12-03, 07:20 PM
Oops, I accidently pressed the enter button by mistake, the subject is supose to say...Density vs Volume.

Baby "G"

04-14-03, 05:20 PM
Generally, when housed alone, firebellies need 10 gallons of space each but for ever 20 gallons, you can house three so I would say that you can house 5-6 or if you want your toads to have lots and lots of space, 4 toads.