View Full Version : Follow-up to SERIOUS INQUIRY for Male BOA

04-12-03, 03:54 PM
I must say that I was somewhat taken aback by some of the comments I received when I posted for a male boa to breed with a female BUT guess what? A number of you said I would not find what my friend was looking for in a suitable male.
Well, we did. Thanks to a supporter of this site, my friend Robert now has in his possession a beautiful male Columbian red-tail male; 5 years old 7.5 feet long. It was delivered to him on Thursday night and I handled the snake yesterday. We are very pleased and thanks to boa@fancynet.com for the sale. You did good, man! Thanks again for your help. :D :p

04-12-03, 05:27 PM
So, you ended up buying one after all? Much better way to go than a loan, so I am glad it worked out this way for you. Be sure to go thru the quarantine period before you attempt any breedings (it is for the best)

04-12-03, 07:11 PM
You got some of the comments you got because it was the truth frankly. Some very exerpienced people answered your post, people who actually own their own pairs.

And I agree with jason. Its good you bought your own.


04-12-03, 08:59 PM
I would also like to wish you the best of luck trying to breed a pair of Bci's without multiple males. 'Cause you'll need all the luck you can get.

04-12-03, 09:29 PM
Ive heard of people using old snakeskins from other males for that purpose...does that work?

04-13-03, 04:10 AM

But sometimes not. Boa breeding is not exactly easy. Not at all. That's why most breeders have well over a dozen animals to compensate for the good percentage that don't go in a given year.

04-13-03, 04:30 AM
yeah...hey jeff is it possible that you could send me some pics of your jcp and brb set ups, my girlfriend kinda missed out on seeing your place and really wants to see what you have for them.

04-14-03, 12:33 AM
Yeah man. I'll try to get some pics in the morning.