View Full Version : Your Opinions

04-11-03, 03:21 PM
Hey, just wanted you experienced people to state your opinions on a few topics. Do you think it is ok to feed your beardie as much crickets as he wants, after their veggies of course? Second, what are your opinions on housing beardies together if the appropriate size enclosure is provided? Personally, I feel it depends on the individual.

04-13-03, 04:39 AM
I feed my beardie on a kind of irregular basis....sometimes i will feed him just his veggies or just his crix, but others i will feed him untill he wont eat anymore.
As for the housing beardies together i am just about to get a female and in a couple of months i plan to house the two together in a 2.5' x 4' cage that i am currently building.

04-13-03, 04:49 AM
I'll give as many crix as they want up until 1 year of age, after that I cut back to a mostly vegetarian diet in order to try to avoid fatty liver disease and visceral gout.

I also try to keep my beardies fairly separated, they just tend to live longer with less competition. They get to run around on the floor and have playdates but then they can all go home to their own turf. I do have 1 female that doesn't do well on her own and so she lives with another girl but that is the one exception to my keeping adults singly. I keep my hatchlings in groups of 3 or 4 unless one has a growth spurt and then I have to house that one separately.

04-13-03, 01:18 PM
Nope, I always feed her enough crix that I think might do her good. But when I feed her greens she starts to get shy after awhile of eating and it takes her awhile to accept them (I hand feed her veggies) yeah, thats when I stop.