View Full Version : Whats Your Wishlist?

04-11-03, 02:06 PM
here's mine:

ball pythons and morphs
macklot's python
green tree python
white lipped python
olive python
green vine snake
burmese python and morphs
dwarf reticulated python
many corn snake morphs
western hognose
eye lash viper
monacle cobra
spotted python
carpet python
scrub python
milk snakes
surinam red tail
water python
rainbow boa
emerald/amazon tree boa
dwarf caimen
crested gecko
leopard gecko
day gecko

thats most of them. i really want a macklot's python, crested gecko, green vine snake, white lipped python, and olive python.
hey everyone can dream :)
whats on your wish list?

04-11-03, 02:23 PM
Mine is:

- BCC's
- Green Tree Pythons
- Emerald Tree Boas
- Scrub Python(barneck)
- Woma Python
- Black Headed Python

- Leopard Gecko(a Moose baby)
- Rhino Iguana
- Red or Yellow Ackie
- Savannah Monitor
- Black and White Tegu
- Red Tegu

Thats about it. All will be after I finish college. Except maybe a Leopard Gecko

I really want a Macklotts Python
I held a large 7' male at a herp show and it was one of the calmest large pythons I have held. So far they haven't lived up to their reputation for me yet.

04-11-03, 02:37 PM
macklot's have got to be one of my favorite snakes. the babies are so beautiful. i want to get one bad. though i notice some adults arent so pleasing to look at. i wish more people owned them, and more had pics for me to gaze at. id imagine that such a cheap python would be a very popular pet.....

Tim and Julie B
04-11-03, 03:08 PM
Any Turtles and tortoises i don't currently have! And the room and time to care for them (it is a wish list after all). Can I also add a BMW 7-series to that?

OK.. OK.. specifics spider tortoises, gophers and Ornate box turtles!

04-11-03, 03:25 PM
All herps are listed from most wanted (not dead or alive. Alive and kicking!) :)

1.0 Python regius (albino)
1.0 Boa constrictor imperator (high red)
1.3 Amazon tree boa
1.1 Boa constrictor melanogaster
1.2 Bothriechis schlegeli
1.1 Bothrochilus boa
1.1 Oxyrhopus rhombifer inaequifasciatus
1.1 Leiopython albertisii
1.1 Python timoriensis
1.1 Liasis fuscus
1.1 Morelia spilota cheynei
1.1 Epicrates cenchria
1.1 Elaphe mandarina
1.1 Elaphe porphyracea nigrofasciatus

1.2 Hypsilurus dilophus
1.2 Gonocephalus chamaeleontinus
1.2 Gonocephalus grandis
1.2 Dendragama boulengeri
1.1 Agama agama

1.1 Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens
1.1 Haplopelma lividum
1.0 Brachypelma ruhnaui
0.0.2 Brachypelma albopilosum
0.0.2 Pterinochilus mammilatus
0.0.2 Acanthoscuria cachoana
0.0.2 Poecilotheria regalis
0.0.2 Theraphosa blondi
0.0.2 Lycosidae tarantula
0.0.1 Pandinus imperator
0.0.4 Crustacea cecarcinus
0.0.5 Goliathus beetle
0.0.10 Idolomantis diabolicum
Well, those are some of what i want in the near or far future

04-11-03, 03:31 PM
Here's what i wanna get....but this won't be for a long long time....
-Another water dragon....female hopefully
-Ball python
-Blizzard gecko
-Crested gecko
-Red foot tortoise (or any other nice looking tortoise that i will be able to care for)
-"pac-man" frog
-and depending how comfertable i will be with snakes i would like either one or a pair of either BRBs or ETBs.....oh and i like the look of Black Pine snakes ever since that post by i can't remember who with a pick of his black pine salem (post called: "feelin' Blue")

well that's all i can think of now...

Bryce Masuk
04-11-03, 04:57 PM
1.1 eastern indigo
1.1 yellow tailed cribo
1.1 black tailed cribo

1.1 gtp
1.1 atb
1.1 etb
1.1 woma
1.1 black headed python
1.1 madagasgar tree boa I DREAM of having a pair
1.1 eyelash viper
1.1 monacle cobra
1.1 rhino viper
1.1 gaboon viper
1.1 mangrove
i want some panther and jacksons chams aa well as some frilled lizards

04-11-03, 05:30 PM
To have a breeding pair of every non venomous snake in the world. (maybe)


04-11-03, 06:43 PM
I want

-honduran milk
-asian vine
-blue tounge skink
-more leopard geckos
-another uromastyx
-chinese water dragon
-and more

04-11-03, 07:29 PM
Well I'd like to have a breeding pair of every snake, kinda like noahs ark.

04-11-03, 08:06 PM
I have so many, I'm just gonna name ONLY a few:

dwarf or spectacled caimen
dwarf reticulated python
papuan python
white-lip python
chondro python
emerald tree boa
dumerils boa
feas vipers
gaboon viper
eyelash viper
forest cobra
scrub python (barneck, southern, or mollucan)
crested geckos
new coledonia giant geckos
sunburst chameleons ... getting some in a few weeks
black blood python ... getting one soon
blood pythons
timor python
amazon tree boa
jungle carpet python
irian jaya carpet python
diamond python
boelens python
sand boa
black headed python
eastern indigo snake
tiger ratsnake

Many many more!!!!

04-11-03, 08:53 PM
Pr. of every species of Sea turtles.
A trio of Orinocos crocs.
Buffalo (may soon be coming true!)
And uh.. That's basically it.

04-11-03, 09:07 PM
1.1 albino tuataras, het for snake.
a small cut of the oceans deap sea with all the crazy fishies with lights.
allright...now on with the stuff that is actually slightly possible.

A small group of red australian frilled dragons,but i would settle for any others.
1.1 ETB or GTP
a small group of red ackies
1.1 monkey tailed skinks
a trio of albino brazilian raibows....pffff....
some jacksons chameleons,
and lots of other stuff...ehhhhhh....

04-11-03, 09:24 PM
I'm actually pretty happy with the reptiles that I've got right now, I guess I'm the minority :) I'll put a few down that I wouldn't mind having (or having more of):
Python brongersmai
Python curtus
Python breitensteini
Gerrhosaurus validus
and maybe a few adult Thamnophis sirtalis pallidula

That's about it,

04-11-03, 09:32 PM
i want a ,
2 Green Tree pythons
A Jacksons' Chameleon
2 Frilled Dragons &
2 Emerald Tree Boas
:) :D

Tim and Julie B
04-11-03, 09:41 PM
Hmmmm.......let's see. I want .......................?
1.)cyrtodactylus peguensis-will come true this year
2.)cyrtodactylus pulchellus-probably will come true this year
3.)gonocephallus abbobotti
4.)gekko stentor-as soon as I have money
5.)phrynocephalus versicolor
6.)please,oh please I really want armoured chameleons!!!!!!!!!!
7.)Tremper's new giant leos
8.)timor monitors-as soon as I have a whole lot of money
9.)tribolonotus novaeguinae
10.)megophrys nasuta
well, I think that about does it-for now(but don't tell Tim.hehehe..)

Steeve B
04-11-03, 09:52 PM
Ok my wish list

Pair of my nicest Jobiensis witches I who’d keep in the largest exhibit possible with a huge water section in witch you can see a pair of red belly side necks, I who’d spend my days taking care of all the plant and flowers in this exhibit, for now it’s just a wish but maybe one day.

Tim and Julie B
04-11-03, 10:32 PM
Ahh,...... how very peaceful.

04-11-03, 10:50 PM
Oh ya, I want some galapogas turtles.