View Full Version : Aaagggggggh!

The Dark Grove
04-11-03, 01:27 PM
Now I'm trying to get things going here and I can't post on certain topics? why?

I just want to post feedback in the inquiry section on Big Apple Herp. I've had good dealing with them. It says I can't post there, ut I can post here.

I'm re-learning things.......help


04-11-03, 01:31 PM
you cannot post feedback on another persons thread in there.
youll have to post your own thread.
dont know why but thats how they have it set up.

04-11-03, 01:32 PM
lol Ralph... The way our inquiry system works is people put up a thread asking for people personal experiences with whomever and then people who had delt with, good or bad are to PM or email them... I feel this alleviates people from easily responding negativly or just responding and jumping on the bandwagon when they have never delt with them, which is what happens way to often on the open concept format... :)

04-11-03, 05:25 PM
I agree with Hetforhuman.


The Dark Grove
04-12-03, 05:46 AM
Oh, I guess it makes sense. Figured I screwed up as usual.


04-12-03, 06:11 AM
Also, I would just like to add, the whole purpose of the rules at the beggining of the sections is for you to follow them lol I do believe they state you cannot respond, and you should NOT post about your good experiences with anyone, never mind bad. The section is to post about inquirys which you are in need of, then people respond to your post via a pm or e-mail. Just thought I'd help clear it up