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04-10-03, 08:48 PM
I just bought a juvenile leo from petco today shes a certain tangerine and shes quite shaky when you handle her I was just curius to know if it was normal to be so shaky
Also shes in a 3 foot by 2 and a half foot cage with one other female that is about 6 inches and shes like 4 Is that alright?
P.S. Any name Ideas?
I don't know why she'd be shaking... I'd seperate her right away in case she is sick, and get her to a vet. You should quarantine all the time (i know it isnt always possible), but if the new leo IS sick, then you don't want to infect your healthy one.
Also, keeping a 6inch leo with a 4inch isn't really recommended. The bigger will msot likely stress out the little one (who is already stressed from the move, and possibly sick) and will possibly eat all the food before the little one has a chance to hunt.
04-10-03, 08:55 PM
You didn't quarentine it at all did you? That is a good way to spread sickness through your collection. Anyways, you shouldn't hold your leo for a couple of weeks after first getting him. He will be naturally scared for awhile. Just leave him alone for a few weeks and it should settle down. It is also normal for him not to eat for awhile while he's settleing in.
About the leo size, make sure the bigger one doesn't bully the smaller one. This can stress the little one out and he will not eat. Make sure you have enough hides for them all.
04-10-03, 09:10 PM
Actually I would love to quarantine her but my mom is picky about his and she is mad about one cage but she was only shaking when I examend her at the shop she seemed fine besides the shaking well any ways thnx
04-10-03, 09:12 PM
Oh and the two were getting along fine (right now there even cudling) But tomarow i should probalby go get a 10 galon for her well Thx
04-11-03, 06:46 AM
Yeah, you'll need to keep the new one separated for about 3 months. I would also take fecal samples for both Leos to the vet to get analyzed because if the new one has anything, chances are she already spread it to the other one. Um yeah, just noticed it's from PetCO. DEFINITELY GET A FECAL EXAM DONE! Check it's belly for any discoloration also. Thanks.
04-12-03, 10:38 AM
I reallt apreciate all of your help Ive quarintined her Im trying to work up the money from my dad to go to the vet. But something worries me alice you said something about the belly discoloration there is actualy a large blue spot on the belly
04-12-03, 10:46 AM
That is normal, it's just a vein that can be seen. All of my leos have it.
04-12-03, 10:52 AM
Oh phew I only have one other leo actually there the only herps I have sadly my mom dosnt like to many animals we have 6 dogs but thnx alot she hasnt been eating cricks yet but she is ate one mealy that I saw ok thnx alot your help means everything
04-12-03, 10:59 AM
What do think about trying baby food? mabey shell eat that
04-12-03, 11:13 AM
Well, it's only been 1 day. Don't worry about her not eating for like a week. She will have to settle in first. Have you read many care sheets on Leos? If not, I have a great site with tons of care info on it(link is in my sig, below my avatar). Try not to hold her for atleast a week. Just let her be and it will help her to settle in better. If you keep holding her, it will stress her out too much and she will not eat. Make sure you have hides that she can feel secure in also.
04-12-03, 11:32 AM
Yeah lots of care sheets and shes in a 10 gall right now with a 75 watt and a large hollow rock she has a dish of calium powder and
a water dish her substrate is desert blen lizard litter and a small mixture of bark to absorb moisture She also has a repti hamock
04-13-03, 05:52 PM
Is it a large blue spot or a large blue line? How large? Can you take a picture of it? If not is it in the lower abdomen or up in the ribs? One skinnier leos you can see the heart and it looks kinda blue. A healthy Leo you should see mostly white, some veins and stuff but definitely not a "Large blue spot"
Take her off the desert blend lizard litter and put her on paper towel for substrate. YOu run a high risk of her getting impacted with the lizard litter.
04-13-03, 05:58 PM
Well alice I really apreciate your help but Im afraid it was just too late I took her body back to petco and got an adult albino I was really sad when she died last time I ever by from petco
04-13-03, 06:08 PM
Bummer! I didn't catch that she died. I'll have to check the other threads.
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