View Full Version : "My Gecko" animation

04-10-03, 04:16 PM
I was just playing around with photoshop 5.0 :P Anyways, I decided to make an animation of my leopard gecko, Smeagol, blinking. Of course, since I made it, the picture just HAS to be fuzzy, ugly, horrible and messed up. But still, in a way, I am proud of it. Here is my horrible animation!:p
<img src="http://www.boomspeed.com/stealthhippo/smeagolblinkgreen.gif">

04-10-03, 04:20 PM
Hmmm...it doesn't seem to be animation...darn!

04-10-03, 04:24 PM
It's pretty good. You just need to add some more frames to it. You should make more frames of the eye lid closeing. Like a frame where it's 1/4 the way closed, another where it's 1/2 the way closed, etc. The more frames you put in, the smoother the animation.

Emily-Fisher: It is a very large file, you have to wait for it to totally load up. It will then blink.

04-10-03, 05:00 PM
I agree with Jeff. It could be nicer if you slowed down the eye movement. It's cool anyways!

04-10-03, 05:06 PM
looks good but the blinking is a little fast

04-10-03, 07:00 PM
Not bad, I like it I guess.
